Chapter 7

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I've laid in this bed for the last hour wide awake and not knowing what to do with myself. The clock next to me says 11:57am and taunting me to get my ass up.

I feel like the last couple of days was just a dream. I get up on my elbows and check to make sure the dress and mask are still laying on the little couch in front of the TV and sure enough, they are.

Okay Sophie, it all starts today.

I need to start throwing my shit into garbage bags for the impending move and make sure to get a fucking job before the day ends. I know exactly what I will do if I can't find a legitimate job, I'm just not trying to go that route if it's not absolutely necessary. But living on the streets of New York, especially in the winter time, is definitely not going to happen to me, I'll make sure of that. Rina asked me last night, am I a sheep or a wolf? I don't know yet but I'm definitely not a sheep, I can tell you that much.

I scour the Internet for the latest job postings and submit my resume to all of them before shutting down my laptop and getting ready for the day.

I'm going to start hitting up all the restaurants and bars downtown. I'm a quick learn and bartending could be an option until I find something solid to fill my days.

After walking out of the shower, another black envelope decorates the floor at my door. Poor guy's still hand delivering me letters. I should've let him down before I left last night, or just given him my number. I'm still not sure what to do with that situation. I just know that when he's around, I start to lose all logic.

A car will be waiting for you downstairs
No special dress attire, come as you are

I glance at the clock, 12:54. Shit. Do I even want to keep talking to these people after last night? The board members aren't exactly what you would call friendly or inviting coupled with the fact that I feel something definitely growing between Hayes and I.

I stop and think for a few seconds before I scream at myself. I know I can't fight the urge, so I grab my handy dandy black light and go to town on the card like the others. Ugh, why am I even interested?


Push. Hmm, and no silver numbers this time. I should just ignore this letter and whatever those weird hidden words and numbers are about.

I continue to get ready. Regardless, I have plans for today so, I'll just pretend I never even saw the card.

It's 1:45pm, I'm sure the driver gave up by now. So when I make it down to the entrance and see the back of Hayes' Wraith, I quickly panic but keep walking to the doors. As the car fully comes into view, I see him and who I can only assume is his brother Alek leaning up against it watching me. His younger brother is very close in height and build to Hayes, but that's as far as similarities go between the brothers. Alek has pale skin, piercing blue eyes and short black hair. His features are sharp and he's got that handsome bad boy look going on.

I don't know what I expected after last night but this version of Hayes doesn't seem like the same one I had so much fun with just a few hours ago. He pushes off the car, taking one last pull from his joint before putting it out under his shoe. He looks cold and aloof, like we don't even know each other.

Oh baby, I'm not playing that game.

I give him a second to react differently towards me and when he doesn't, I roll my eyes and start walking away.

"Miss Knox," Alek says as I pass them, pretending they're not even there. "Miss Knox, I'm Alek Coronado. And you seem to be quite late."

I turn back for a few seconds to tell them, "I'm sorry Mister Coronado, I didn't know how to reach you but I got another offer elsewhere."

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