Tara wins the Powerball lottery

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Two days later. Wednesday, October 5th, 2022 at 3:30pm, Tara played the Powerball Jackpot by getting a Quick Pick ticket for it and went back to work. Her phone started ringing with the remix of Damian's new background music and she took her phone out of her pocket. He was video calling her and she answered it.

Damian: Hey, mamacita, what's goin' on?

Tara: Nothin' much, really. I'm just about to go back to work. How is your day goin' so far?

Damian: It's goin' great, actually, now, that I'm talkin' to you. We never really got the chance to talk about what happened at Raw.

Tara: Luis, there's nothin' to talk about. We had fun, you won your match, I watched, and everybody went home after that.

Damian: So, you're just gonna ignore the fact that we had sex in my locker room? How long has it been, since, you've had sex?

Tara: About three years.

Damian: And during those three years, your pussy has been throbbin' and achin' for some dick?

Tara: Are you tryna get me horny all over again?

Damian (smiling evilly): Maybe, I can fly back to your city, and we can fulfill both of our desires if you want me to.

She had flashbacks of how he ate her out, the electricity coursing all throughout her body, how he pounded her pussy into oblivion, how they cried out in inexplicable pleasure from the erotic moves they did on each other, and the explosive fireworks they made with each other.

Damian: Tara, you still there?

Tara: Um, yeah, I'm here. 

Damian: You've been thinkin' about it, haven't you?

Tara: Yeah, look, that was wrong. I should've stopped you.

Damian: How could you? We were askin' for it and we got it. There's more from where that's comin' from. We're not a fling, Nature..., we're more than that.

Tara: We can't be friends who share sexual needs. It's too addictive and it'll distract us from doin' what we were meanin' to do.

Damian: Which is what?

Tara: Focusin' on our careers and our lives.

Damian: Have you ever thought that we were pulled to each other for a reason? It's not just for sex. It's for the whole nine yards.

Tara: You didn't tell your friends that you stuck your bratwurst into my mofongo sauce, did you?

He started laughing.

Damian: I'm sorry. It's just hilarious on how you put it. No, I didn't tell'em what went down between us except that I apologized for lyin' to you about who I was, and that we're on fiery good terms.

Tara: You told'em!

Damian: They heard it. They were eavesdroppin' the whole entire time.

Tara: I'm a whore. I slept with a WWE Superstar before datin' them, and now, I'm an official slut.

Damian: Okay, that's not true. You're not a slut nor a whore. You're my slut and whore. Both of our bodies were uptight and lackin' for erotic sex.

Tara: We really need to stop talkin' about sex, in general, right now. I'm not at home and you're not here.

Damian: I told my friends that we're together, as in, we're datin'.

Tara: You just couldn't wait, until, I met you in Puerto Rico on your native homeland soil, could you?

Damian: Sorry, I'm a go getter, babe.

Tara: I'll talk to you later on, tonight.

Damian: Okay, I'll call you, and don't fall asleep, please.

Tara: I promise I'll be up when you call just don't send any dick pics.

Damian: I won't, I promise, bye, babe.

Tara: Bye.

They hung up and Tara went back to work. Around 10pm, she went home and took a hot shower. She put on her sleeping clothes, afterwards, and waited for the numbers to come on. At 11pm, she looked on her phone at the winning numbers for the Powerball Jackpot on the GA Lottery App, and she had won. She jumped up and down and screamed in excitement.

Tara: Oh my God, I knew it! I won, I fuckin' won, and now, I can breathe again! My daughter and I will be just fine.

Her phone rang and it was Damian. She answered it and they talked, until, both of them fell asleep.

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