Plane crash/ Tara's missing

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Monday, November 14th, 2022 at 10:36am, Tara was getting on her flight, Flight 666, and she left a note on Damian's nightstand while he was sleeping. She got on the plane, and 30 minutes later, the plane had crashed before it could make it to its destination. The fuel tank was leaking gas, the controlling system was failing, and it crashed into the water after exploding in midair. Everybody was screaming, panicking, and crying while Tara was trying to think, and calm herself down. She tried to unbuckle herself while she was underwater and a stewardess were trying to help her. Tara looked over at the old, Argentinian lady who were sitting right beside her trying to escape, and slowly lost consciousness. She tapped the stewardess on her shoulder and pointed at the old lady.

Tara (mouthing): Save her and everybody else.

Stewardess (mouthing): No, let me help you, first.

Tara (mouthing): No, save her, and then, come back for me, afterwards

Stewardess (mouthing): But--.

Tara (mouthing): Do it, please, and get everybody else out of here. I'll be fine.

Stewardess (mouthing): I'll be back for you.

She helped the Argentinian old lady and swam away. A cart banged into Tara and her head crashed into the window. She moved the cart away from her and drowned while trying to unbuckle her seatbelt. A dark, shadowy figure swam towards her and cut her seatbelt. It grabbed her hand.

Meanwhile, there was a knock at Damian's hotel room door and he woke up. He looked beside him and saw that Tara wasn't with him. Her spirit was standing beside him and he got up. He saw a note on his nightstand and picked it up. He read it and it said: I'll always be by your side, forever. I'll see you soon. He walked towards the door, and his friends, and his father were banging on the door.

Damian: I'm comin'!

He unlocked the door and opened it.  He saw Matt, Bad Bunny, Rhea, Keith, Mia, and Papi Martinez standing there with worried expressions on their faces and moved out of the way. They went inside and he closed the door.

Damian: What's wrong with you guys? You're knockin' on my--.

He felt a sense of emptiness, pain, and sorrow in his heart.

Keith: It's about Nature--.

Damian (shaking away what his gut was telling him): No, she's fine. She got on her flight and went back home to Atlanta. She's fine.

Tara's spirit walked towards him and stood beside him. Papi Martinez saw her and covered up his mouth.

Tara's Spirit: It's okay, Mr. Martinez, I'm fine.

Damian: Dad, what're you starin' at.

Papi Martinez: Turn on the news, mijo, now.

They went into the living room and Damian turned on the TV. He turned to the news.

Tara's Spirit: Mr. Martinez, please, it's false news about me. I'm okay. I'm still alive.

Maria Menendez: This is Maria Menendez here at the Luis Munoz Marin International Airport where one of the planes, Flight 666, crashed after taking off for its destination to the States. There were 220 passengers onboard including its crew when the fuel tank started leaking gas and an explosion happened. Most of the passengers made it and some of them did not--. 

Damian cut the TV off and put on his clothes.

Matt: Luis--.

Damian: She's not dead, okay? We're gonna go down there and we're gonna bring her back here. 

Bad Bunny: Luis, it's not a search and rescue anymore.

Damian: Did you just not hear what the news reporter said? Most of the passengers made it and some of them didn't.

Tara's Spirit: Papi Martinez, I'm not dead, okay? You can see me, right? It's an out of body experience I'm havin'. I'm alive and I don't know where my body is.

Papi Martinez: We're gonna find you, mija, and we're gonna bring you home.

Damian: Dad, who're you talkin' to?

Tara's Spirit: Don't tell him or he'll worry.

Papi Martinez (nervously): Your father is thinkin' out loud.

Damian: No, ever since, you walked in here, you've been lookin' at my right side. 

Papi Martinez: Let's go down to the airport.

They left and went to SJU. They saw ambulances and medics wheeling out bodies on gurneys and tending to the survivors who had minor injuries. They ran into the airport and started calling Tara's name. Some of the cops stopped them.

Officer Waltman: Hey, bring'em over here. 

The cops escorted them to Officer Waltman and left.

Officer Waltman: I'm Officer Dexter Waltman--.

Damian: Where is she? Where is Tara Knight?

Officer Waltman: Our scuba divers are still lookin' for her body as we speak.

Mia: Wait a minute, so, you're sayin' that she's not one of the survivors?

Officer Waltman: We're not sure if she's dead or alive. What we do know is that the stewardess that tried to help Ms. Knight said that Ms. Knight told her to save the other passengers, and then, she can come back for her. When she went back down to retrieve Ms. Knight, her seatbelt had been slashed, and her window was broken. It's not a search and rescue anymore, you guys..., it's a search and recover. She's the only one that's missin' on that flight.

Damian's heart dropped to his stomach and he started crying. Officer Waltman brought out Tara's stuff.

Officer Waltman (with a worried expression on his face): Her things are what's left of her, until, we find her, I'm sorry.

Papi Martinez grabbed Tara's suitcase and Officer Waltman walked away. Papi Martinez and the others held onto Damian.

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