Damian makes a choice/Tara & Bella disappears

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A month later. Wednesday, December 21st, 2022 at 9pm, Tara was backstage at a WWE house show and Judgment Day just finished up with their match against The OC. Everything in the building started shaking and Rhea ran into the girls' locker room. The female superstars surrounded Tara and Tara was shaking and sweating.

Liv: We're gonna get you some help, Nature. Somebody, go get some help!

She held onto Tara and Tara began to hyperventilate. The girls left the locker room and Liv wiped the sweat from Tara's face with a paper towel. Rhea got beside her and Tara's hands turned into webbed hands.

Tara (shakily): Liv, my powers are growin'. I can't control'em. 

Rhea: What happened?

Liv: When you guys started your match, she collapsed from dehydration, and we gave her apple juice to drink. She was okay, afterwards, but then, she started convulsin', sweatin', and hyperventilatin'. We didn't know what to do, so, we were waitin' for Damian to come back here. The President's people are on their way back here.

Rhea: We can't wait any longer or everything is gonna collapse around us. We've gotta put her in water. A large body of it.

She picked Tara up and they ran out of the locker room. All three of them ran into the other Judgment Day members. The windows exploded and Tara screamed in pain.

Rhea: Get the car, hurry!

They ran towards a black SUV and got in. They drove away and the President's people followed them.

Finn (driving the car at 100mph): Where're we headed to?

Liv: There's a warehouse near here.

Dominik: We've gotta take her home.

Damian: We're in Tampa, Florida, Dom, not the Bronx. Hang in there, babe.

Tara parted the cars like the Red Sea and she kept groaning and screaming.

Damian: Where's Bella?

Liv: They took her already. She's with the mermaids.

Finn pulled up to the warehouse leading to a beach and they got out of the car. Damian covered Tara up with his jacket and picked her up.

Damian: You guys stay here. I don't want you to have no parts of this.

He ran into the warehouse and saw an entrance to the sea. He sat down on some metal crates and held onto Tara. They looked at each other and he stroked her arm and face to calm her down.

Tara: This wasn't supposed to happen. I made a wish to become a mermaid because I was a fan of them and I wanted to be their spokesperson. I wanted to live underwater and on land. I wanted to be able to breathe for long periods of time, instead of, usin' scuba gear. I wanted to have powers to use for good, instead of, evil, but I guess this is the consequences of my wish.

Judgment Day and Liv walked towards them.

Damian: It was a beautiful wish. You got to swim, you got a chance to help people, and meet new people. You became one of the things that you've always dreamed of. It doesn't have to end this way. 

Finn: There's gotta be another way to help her control it.

Damian looked at them and they surrounded them.

Damian: I thought I told you guys to stay in the car! You don't wanna witness any of this!

Rhea: We are in this together, Luis! All of us who know what she is are here to protect her and to make sure she survives this ordeal! We're not goin' anywhere no matter what you tell us.

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