Tara is reunited with her daughter/Their first swim after the incidence

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At 4pm, Joe Biden, his people, Damian's father, and his friends walked into Tara's hospital room holding Bella and Tara was standing in front of the aquarium a.k.a. the water incubator that the doctors put her in while holding onto the IV pole.

Joe: Ms. Knight?

Tara turned around and looked at all of them. She walked towards them slowly and her eyes lit up when she saw her daughter. Bella held her arms out to Tara and she took Bella out of Papi Martinez's arms. They held onto each other with a smile.

Joe: Ms. Knight, you, your daughter, and the rest of your family will be protected now, in the near future, and forever. Have you been informed on what you guys are?

Tara: Yes, we won't harm anybody.

Joe: You have a right to protect yourself and to have your privacy. You have an army behind you because there are people out there who will use your DNA for bad things.

Tara: Like evil scientists?

Joe: Yes, like evil scientists. If you feel comfortable doin' interviews on what you are that's fine, but my people will always be around.

Tara: I know. Why're you doin' this?

Joe: I'm a fan of mermaids and I know that there're good mermaids out there who won't hurt our kind. You and your daughter one of them. You guys deserve your privacy and the utmost respect from everyone. You're a survivor, Tara, you and Bella, and we commend you on that.

Everybody kneeled down before her and Bella and they looked at each other before looking at everyone in the room. They got up and hugged both of them.

Tara: The Argentinian lady that was sittin' on the plane beside me. Is she still alive?

Joe looked at Damian, Damian nodded his head, and Joe looked at Tara.

Joe: She died two days ago. She didn't live long enough for you to see. She asked about you while you were missin', and when you were in your coma, she died. She wanted me to give you this as a token of her appreciation for your kind heart and laughable stories.

He took out a crystallized cross necklace and Tara took it from him. She put it against her heart and let out a frustrated sigh.

Tara: How did she die?

Joe: Her heart gave out on her after the traumatic experience. You can't save everyone, Ms. Knight.

Tara (half-smiling): I know but I was rootin' for her. She gave me strength somehow.

Joe: I was also informed that you would be released, today, and you can finish your recovery at home.

Tara: Thank you, Mr. President. 

Joe: You're welcome, Ms. Knight. I intend to hear great things from you and your daughter.

Around 6pm, Tara was released from the hospital and escorted to Damian's father's house. They got settled into Damian's room and Tara and Bella stood outside near the water. Damian and the others watched them closely. They walked towards Tara and Bella and Damian held Bella's hand. He gave Tara a passionate kiss and Damian's father held her hand.

Papi Martinez: Your apart of our family, now, mija

He kissed her hand and Rhea kissed Tara's lips. She gave Tara a hug and the rest of them hugged her and Bella.

Damian: Don't steal my girl from me, Demi. I'll fight you for her.

Rhea: When you die, she'll be mine. 

Papi Martinez: Go, mija, we'll be waitin' for you.

Damian: He's right. They're out there waitin' for you. We're not goin' anywhere. 

She started kissing Damian, and then, her and Bella ran towards the water. They dived into the water and swam. The others saw their diamond encrusted rainbow-colored tails go up in the air before going back underwater. Tara and Bella swam at each other while they were swimming alongside each other and explored the sea.

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