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"Do we have everything in the trunk?" My mom asked before releasing an exhausted sigh.

I nodded as my brother verbally responded in confirmation. A huff of relief was heard from my dad, followed by a grunt. He was satiated with satisfaction — I could tell for the most part. That was it before the car instantly revved and we were off by the foot of the gas.

I rolled down my window, curious to hear the soothing environment changing around us as we left town. The same town I've lived in for fourteen years now. It was all coming to an end this summer break.

I'd already informed all of my friends about my future leave before school ended. Yet, I couldn't help feeling guilty that I'd forgotten someone no matter how many people I'd already told. As the thought entered my head once again, I turned over to my brother, who was sitting beside me.

"Yuichiro," I called, bringing my window up ever so slightly.


"I think we forgot to tell Inko about this,"

I heard him sigh before shoving a hand into one of his pockets.

"We already told her, but..." He proceeded to take out his phone and tapped a few unknown buttons. "Here,"

I flinched as a small object hit the palm of my hand gently. I averted my gaze back to Yuichiro in concern, waiting for any explanation in particular.

"It's on record," He whispered.


I brought my head back to the screen before me, thinking of what was appropriate to say in this situation.

I was moving. Did I like the idea of moving? Kinda. Was it fun? Not really. Where was I going to? A humble townhouse in Chiba. How long will I be there? Forever.

The remaining information came out freely as if my mind had saved them for later. The words flew out of my mouth gracefully as I prepared to create a voice message from the heart. For this entire moment, I was stuck in my own personal world of meaning. A proper goodbye.

"I just wanted to let you know that Yuichiro and I are moving. We're moving far, far away to our humble abode in Chiba. The process hasn't been so fun, but I like the idea of learning something new. We're going to be sharing a house with some roommates, so Yuichiro and I are gonna have to share a room. I can't wait to meet them. I hope their children are the same age as me. Mom says Yuichiro has to start taking care of the basic stuff for me since we can't afford a caregiver anymore. We're probably going to be gone forever, so... bye bye,"


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