Chapter 1

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The car pulled to a firm stop, jolting me in my seat where I reposed asleep. I was instantly pulled into consciousness, and made aware of my surroundings. Everything felt oddly unusual, and unfamiliar. Most especially, the air was different. We'd arrived.

"Yuichiro," My mom addressed, opening the passenger seat door with haste. "Help Muichiro with his belongings,"

I heard a groan from my brother, along with a door slam from his side of the car. Flinching from the sound of the force, I followed along. The moment my feet touched the ground, my dad handed me my white cane before trotting off to the trunk.

As much as I tried to, my legs just wouldn't budge. I might've been excited, but that wouldn't hide the everlasting apprehension. Nervousness was the least understatement.

Luckily, my dad would take notice of my immobility quicker than expected. I heard his cacophonous steps rushing over to me. He knelt down before me, taking my arms in his hands. The smell of his Gisada cologne instantly occupied my nose. We probably wouldn't be in this situation if he were to stop purchasing such expensive products. However, I couldn't blame him entirely. I was the root of this problem.

"You don't look okay son. Could you tell me what's up?" He asked with a hushed tone.

I redirected my head towards his voice slowly. My brain was almost immediately focused on his existence.

"I — uh... I don't know,"

He huffed in response.

"Come on," He whispered. "You can tell me,"

"It's nothing really. I'm just nervous is all,"

He chuckled. I smiled at the sound of it.

"Yeah, it's always gonna be scary on the first day, but trust me, they'll like you," He assured. "They'll absolutely adore you,"

My smile grew wider at the mention of his words. Even if it wasn't true at the end of the day, it really motivated me to move on. I might've not been the most popular at my former school, but I could make a difference here. Plus, it was summer break. I didn't have to deal with over twenty students, just a few kids in a townhouse.

The sole situation that could be considered a problem for the most part was if they were toddlers, and that isn't even half bad.

"Thanks, daddy,"

I heard him huff in satisfaction before getting off the current crouch he rested in. He gave me a soft pat on the head. Maybe two before he was off. I can only fully confirm that I liked it; every single second of it.


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