Chapter 7

163 14 3

Heads up, long chapter. Word Count: 1127



"Umm...," He began, slightly moving his head back. "Sure?"

He sounded hesitant, but I could tell it was just a slight nervousness taking over him. Who wouldn't get a little fragile after someone requests to feel up their face? I was fine with other people thinking I was a little too weird for it. After all, they weren't like me. They would never go through what I am right now. Or, at least, I hope not.

Shrugging off those thoughts from my head, I planted my palm against his jaw once again. I could hear a small grunt escape from his lips in response to the sudden physical contact.

"Don't mind him," Sanemi chirped from the back. "He's shy,"

You could practically hear the smirk in his voice. It was humorously annoying. I rolled my eyes to amuse his intentions. However, it was barely visible as the movement practically blended into my sclera. That was fine by me. I was used to it by now.

"Hmm," I hummed, tracing my fingers along his ears. "They're very warm."

Just by the feel of his ears, it was obvious that he was evidently blushing, but I didn't want to mention it. There was no reason to make the situation any more awkward than it had already been throughout. After all, flustered responses were pretty common of a reaction in regard to my strategy.

Slowly but surely enough, my finger snuck down to his chin before reaching his neck. He definitely wasn't ticklish as he barely flinched from the actions.

"Ahhh," I sang in a hushed tone, circling around his Adam's apple in amusement. "It's nice,"

All of a sudden, he gulped, and I felt it. As obvious as it was, he was aware of the fact that I did. I chuckled, trying to ease the awkward air that, unfortunately, only continued to increase. That was something I never usually had to do. It wasn't often that I approached someone as nervous as him. Unexpectedly, it felt satisfying to be capable of experiencing a variety of people.

I eventually brought my hand up to his cheeks, which were obviously very flushed. I didn't mind it at all. In fact, it helped in the slightest bit to fight off the aggressive air conditioner in the abode. My hands were very sensitive to temperature.

The worst part of all of this was on its path to occur. I've never had a good experience with anyone concerning it. Neither did I really expect to. I was aware of how disturbing it was for others when hands were placed there. Sanemi had saved me of that embarrassment when he tapped out less than halfway. I'm grateful for him.

However, I was onto Genya, and I was finally ready to execute the process officially. I brought a hand down from his cheek to the very top of his lip. Surprisingly enough, they didn't budge. He didn't fold them in nor purse them. Just kept his lips still for me to gently caress them. They were soft at the top but very clearly textured throughout the bottom. It was a satisfying pattern.

Without warning, I then pressed my finger into his mouth. He slightly shook but refused to remove his face. Maybe he believed he'd offend me. Personally, I didn't really mind. It was a reasonable reaction.

"U-uhh, uat er you (what are you)-"

"What color are your braces?" I asked with a benevolent smile, interrupting his inquiry with my own as I continued to trace my finger down the texture of the braces.

It was the first thing I noticed the moment my finger entered his mouth. I didn't know what it was about braces, but there was definitely a lingering seat in my heart left for them. There was always this sense of responsibility that came with the person who wore braces for the time being. Usually, one in ten of the people I've met had them. Even if they were only temporary and would have to come off eventually, it was good to enjoy them while they lasted.

"Oh..." His words trailed off as I assume he realized he couldn't respond with the finger left in his mouth.

"They're blue," His brother suddenly spoke up.

I imagined Sanemi in some sort of a smug pose. He was probably leaning up against a wall with a leg bent and his arms crossed. Obviously, that was a very exaggerated description. Yet, it was definitely an accurate depiction of how his voice sounded to me at that moment.

I began to think of all sorts of objects in relation to the color blue. Everything my past mentor taught me began popping into my head one by one.

"Y'know, I... really love the ocean," I admitted, remembering my days at the beach so pristine. "It's beautiful,"

I almost instantly regretted ever saying that. It lacked a proper response. You could practically taste the silence in the room. Why did it have to get so awkward?

Very obviously embarrassed, I removed my finger from his mouth and remained sat in my kneeling position. I couldn't bring myself to continue my thoughts. Somebody else needed to break the silence because I couldn't find it ever becoming my responsibility.

"He has a girlfriend," Sanemi scoffed, his footsteps inching closer to us.

I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion. That didn't have anything to do with the situation.

"O... kay?" I retorted. "That's not what I was-"

"Don't worry about it, I was pulling your leg," He interrupted, and all of a sudden, his footsteps backed away once again.

I could hear him walking up the stairs of the house. The three of us stood in silence as they began to slowly fade away into the abyss. I folded in my lips, clearly embarrassed by the entire scene. It's never actually my goal to be as intimate as I usually am. It's really just how I live now. If that was going to he a hassle for Sanemi, he was going to have to deal with it. As long as I wasn't doing anything inappropriate, which I never would, I refused to tolerate his disrespect. It might've been a joke as of now, but on the day that it wasn't, he would have to find me out for real.

Suddenly, my brother patted me on the shoulder. I turned around to hear him out for whatever it was he was trying to say. Hopefully, it was worth my while and could relieve me of such an awkward situation. Yet, as everything else he says, this was just as stupid. He just had to whisper it, too.

"Don't be such a flirt."


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