Chapter 4

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The cacophonous sound of footsteps whizzed down the stairs hastily. I froze as the minor steps reached a halt the moment his feet touched the ground. Only one of the siblings had arrived, I could tell. There was a lot more pressure that came off of the presence of two in most cases. That feeling didn't exist at the moment.

"Woah...," I heard the boy say. "Sanemi! Come down here, you have to see this!"

Ahh, of course. The usual reaction I got the moment somebody spotted my eyes for the first time. To put it differently, I basically received a response similar to this every time I met someone new. I didn't wear sunglasses as apparently my eyes weren't sensitive to the sun. So, my maya blue eyes were pretty noticeable at first glance. Never gets too old when you're caught in a situation where you're forced to move almost annually. However, it gets fairly annoying.

"Ack — shush!" His mom scolded, giving him what seemed to be a knock on the head. "Did that have to be the first thing you noticed?"

"Ma... what're you talking about?" He winced. "I can't acknowledge twins?"

"Why does it concern you if he's bl-," She halted in her sentence, possibly processing what he just said as I was too. "Oh right, twins... yeah, twins — Sanemi, get down here!"

Well, that was a miraculous first. For the first time in my entire life, somebody had noticed me for something else other than my incapability to see. Albeit, it might've been something concerning my brother, but it was still progress leading in the right direction. Was it weird that I was already seeing the potential between us?

"Oh shoot, what the...," Sputtered a much different sounding person who'd just arrived at the scene.

"Right? Aren't they just the most identical looking twi-,"

"He's blind!?"

Everyone went silent in response to the rather intrusive boys out of pocket question, if not just a statement. I, the very person he was calling out, pursued staying the most silent as I no longer knew how to respond to a topic so blatantly obvious. So, being the petty person I was, I refused to. Unexpectedly, somebody else did respond in my place.

"No, of course not," I heard the other boy declare in a sarcastic tone. "He's just playing dress up, stupid,"

I scoffed at the remark, resting my forehead onto my palm in disbelief.

"Language boys," Their mom reminded, her voice trailing off as she headed towards the kitchen. "I better come back there and see that you both have made some new friends,"

"Oh right — where should I put these pastries for all the boys to share?" I heard my mother chime in from a distance.

Their mom silently came walking back, presumably looking around the living room for an empty space to keep the delicacies my mother held. I heard her body shift towards me for a haste moment, then spin back around the rest of the area.

"Hmm, right on the coffee table should be fine," She suggested. "Thank you for bringing them,"

"My pleasure," My mother responded.

I seriously couldn't wait for the day they got used to each other, and quit with the formal talk. Someday, they'd get close enough to talk like best friends I hoped. The same way my dad would hopefully develop a growing relationship with the boys' dad. Hopefully.


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