Chapter 2

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My ears perched up to the sudden sound of the front door opening gradually. I would instantly be swept into the delightful aroma of pleasant bluebell flowers. It was a blatantly tangible feel. Amongst the scent was the peculiar presence of what I could tell was a very short woman. Possibly shorter than five feet as the air surrounding her swam no higher than the very bridge of my nose.

Considering the fact that I'm five foot three, there was a possibility that she was the daughter. Except, my father never confronted me about that. He solely revealed that it was a humble family of four we would be meeting the same morning. A married couple, and their two sons. No mention of a daughter. Was it duff that I remained surprised?

"Why, hello everyone," She chirped gleefully. "You all must be the Tokito's,"

My mind was instantly changed. Her voice was elegant and soft — almost tranquil. She didn't sound like a bratty, nor responsible and mature sister. Instead, she gave off a motherly voice that could put you at ease. I couldn't believe it at first, considering the fact that she was on the much shorter side. Soon enough however, I would come to terms with it.

"Oh, of course!" Piped my mother as she gently shook the tawny basket of warm pastries in her grasp. "Pleased to meet you,"

"No — pleased to have you join our family," She beamed in a quiet tone. "Now please, find somewhere comfortable to sit insi-," She halted in her own sentence.

I noticed her small legs creeping up to me gradually, making little noise as my family patiently waited. As faint as it was, I could hear the gasp she tried to hide under her breath, and frowned indistinctly. Even if they can't take it now, they'll get used to me eventually.

"Oh my... this is him, right?" She asked, touching my cheek with a palm.

I flinched at the feel of her cold graze caressing me. Her long nails lightly pierced my ear, and I nearly enjoyed the ticklish stroke it presented. I felt significantly more safe than I ever was seconds prior. It was as if the pattern in her voice, as well as her demeanor played a role in her encounter with others. It was a beautiful thing.

"I'm right here, too," I would perceive my brother muttering under his breath.

It was clear nobody else heard it, as space for a response remained. However, I bit my lip in guilt as none came in return. As much as I hated being one, I always happened to be an obstacle for him.

"Sure is. This is our youngest son Muichiro," My father answered, placing a flat palm atop my head. "He's bli-,"

"I know already. No need to remind me," She hummed, removing her hand from my face. "Now, make yourself at home,"

I could hear the sound of the door creaking behind her as she gradually opened it for us. That was the very moment I was made aware of my welcoming. Not just I, but the rest of my family around me. This was our new home.


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