Chapter 6

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The two stood in silence, paying attention to my sob story that occurred years ago. It was long gone by now. Brought up only every once in a while. Something I was satisfied with. What I wasn't satisfied with, however, was the lack of information I had on their appearances. The two had been empty ovals staring deep into my irises. At least to me, they were. I knew there were others out there that could relate.

My hands trembled as I nervously hesitated on acting upon my routine strategy. It was something I did whenever somebody unfamiliar stumbled into my life. It was like filling out a 'getting to know you' assignment on the very first day of school. Except, it wasn't. And it had absolutely nothing to do with a pencil and paper, but rather the use of the hands. My hands, to be exact.

I'm sure they'd let me once they came to understand the reasoning behind it. Nobody was ever too awkward when I did this. There wasn't a singular doubt that it'd be the same now.

"Hey...," I spoke up, bringing my head down in response to the embarrassing choke in my voice.

The two suddenly focused on me, I could tell from the abrupt sound of their heads. It's not to say that they weren't already. Just to say that the attention had increased.

"Oh, umm, could I get to know you both?" I asked, folding in my lips.

"Thought you just did," Sanemi said.

I suddenly brought my hands up to his jaw to surprise him. For whatever reason, I didn't want him to expect it. I liked it when my first impressions remained unique.

"I mean like this," I piped back, gradually moving my hands along his face.

I could feel his texture scrunch up against my hand as he wrinkled his face in confusion. Eventually, it was obvious he came to terms with what was happening and possibly an understanding. In fact, he moved his head along with the movements of my hands to make the job easier.

From what I could pick up on, his jawline was toned. He had tubby cheeks, though, and a pretty long nose that tilted upwards. I reached his eyelashes, and boy, were they long. My fingers grazed upon each little strand, careful enough so as not to create contact with his eyes. At some point, my hands found their way to his forehead. This was where it became confusing.

His forehead was completely empty, which was good for the most part as it had been smooth and without acne. However, there was no sign of hair. Or at least, the usual hair that every other human I've encountered in this way has had. It was unusual. However, not particularly in a bad way. I'm glad to say that I was rather interested.

"Where are your eyebrows?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

Without response, he swatted my hands away from his head and muttered something under his breath. I could hear him turning away in frustration. Had I upset him? I mean, they were just eyebrows. Were they ever that important?

"I was just asking," I mumbled.

Eventually, I would let go of his disrespect when approached with the sudden sound of random shuffling. I'd almost forgotten the other person in the room. Nothing could stop me from getting to know him, too.

"Genya," I called out his name, hovering a hand in front of where I would presume his face had been.


A slight smile took over my lips as I caressed his cheek.

"Can I?"


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