Chapter 10

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   "Is she okay?" Sam asks as he rushes to help Daryl.

   "Yeah," Daryl replies.

   As the two of them get Carol settled on a bed, I hear something coming from the cafeteria. Dean, Cas, and I go to check it out. Rick has brought in a woman I've never seen before. She seems injured.

   "She's not coming in the cell blocks," Rick says as he lays her down on a blanket. They must not know her either. Rick pours some water on her.

   "Who are you?" He questions. The woman seems concerned and definitely doesn't trust Rick. He tries to calm her down.

   She reaches for her katana and Rick kicks it out of her reach. "No. We're not going to hurt you unless you try something stupid first, all right?"

   I look over to Dean and Cas, "What do you guys think?" I whisper to them.

   "She seems scared," Cas says.

   "Or she's putting on an act," Dean comments.

   Daryl walks in between Dean and I, "Rick. Who the hell is this?"

   Rick asks her for her name twice but she doesn't answer.

   "Y'all come on in here," Daryl says. I smile knowing that Carol being alive will help boosts everyone's mood. I follow Hershel and Beth into the cell blocks. Hershel and Rick hug  her and she smiles when she sees the baby until she realizes Lori is no longer with us. I notice Carl tear up and squeeze his hand. He gives me a small smile in return.

   After the reunion, Dean, Rick, Daryl, and Hershel go to talk to the unknown woman. I figured Sam would have been the better option since he is often calmer than Dean but Rick insisted Dean go with them. They didn't want too many people in there so she didn't get overwhelmed. I wasn't suppose to, but I snuck into the cafeteria without anyone noticing. The woman told us Glenn and Maggie had been taken. But wasn't going to say much else. I couldn't say I blamed her. Daryl was pointing his crossbow at her head. She looked over and noticed me standing silently. I gave her a small smile.

   "There's a town," she spoke, "Woodbury. About 75 survivors. I think they were taken there."

   "A whole town?" Rick questions.

   "It's run by this guy who calls himself the Governor-"

   "Did you say the Governor?" I ask before I could stop myself.

   They all turned to me, "What are doing in here. You're not supposed to be in here," Dean says.

   "I know. I'm sorry. But a few months back, the guy who chased me through the woods and tried to kidnap me. His name was the Governor."

   "Pretty boy, charming, Jim Jones type?" The woman asks me.

   "Yeah, I guess, he was pretty douche baggy. I know that."

   "He got muscle?" Daryl says.

   "Paramilitary wannabes. They have armed sentries on every wall." She tells us.

   "There's also a guy who has a weird knife hand," I add.

   "He's missin his hand" Daryl asks.

   "I would assume so," I say.

   "That's who shot me and took your friends," The woman says.

   Rick turns to her, "You know a way in?"

   "The place is secure from walkers, but we could slip out way through."

   Rick seems to be thinking about something, "How'd you know how to get here?"

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