Chapter 1

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  I didn't grow up with parents who comforted me when I got scared at night. I didn't grow up with parents who would hug me when I cried or kiss my scrapes after I fell down. I barely even grew up with parents at all, well not biological ones at least, and I really shouldn't be saying parents, it's more like a parent. My mom died in a car crash when I was two, it was apparently an accident, however, with the life my dad lives I don't know if that's actually true. Speaking of my dad, his name is John Winchester, and he hunts monsters. It sounds crazy, but it's true, my brothers Sam and Dean also help him. It can be dangerous so for the first ten years of my life I wasn't allowed to go on hunting trips with them, instead I stayed with dad's friend Bobby, he's been more of a dad to me than my actual one. While I was living with Bobby I went to a normal school, I only had one real friend there and her name was Audrey, I would hang out at her house a lot since it was best to keep her as far away from anything involving monsters as I could. Dad always told me it wasn't good to get close to anyone because we might not be able to protect them but he wasn't there so I did it anyway and Audrey never got hurt. Once I turned ten dad started to train me and let me go on hunting trips with him, but he had made me start reading about the supernatural when I was seven.

  I'm twelve years old now and my life has changed majorly since I started hunting. I don't get to see Bobby as much as I used to, but we still go visit him when we need help with a case. I also never see Audrey anymore and I always have to switch phones and phone numbers so I can't stay in contact with her that way either, maybe it's for the best though, now anything to do with the supernatural is completely out of her life. Since we are constantly on the move I'm rarely ever actually in school and it's hard to keep my grades up but I try my best and usually manage to get A's.

  Not too long ago we found out angels are real. We even made friends with one of them named Castiel, but we call him Cas for short. He's different than the other angels that are out there and it's probably because he isn't trying to get my brothers to work for heaven. The only downside is like the rest of my family, he's very protective over me. It's kind of funny actually because he doesn't want to tell me not to do something, but he doesn't want me to get hurt, so he'll just give me a weird stare if I'm doing something dangerous. I'm glad that we met him though, he's like family now.

  Currently Sam, Dean, Cas, and I were in Georgia on a vampire case. Dad was off on his own case in Virginia or D.C. or somewhere around there. We had all just woken up, except for Cas because he doesn't sleep, and I was in the bathroom of our motel room getting ready. I was wearing black jeans, a white tank top with a blue and black flannel over top of it, and black boots. My reflection stared back at me as I looked into the mirror. My hair was the same color as my dad's and I had braided it into two braids, one on each side that ended just below my chest. Sam and Dean always say I look like dad, but I think I look more like my mom and from what Bobby told me, I have her personality.

  I was about to leave the bathroom when Dean started yelling for me to hurry up.

"What, do you need in the bathroom that bad?" I joked. I noticed all three guys had a serious look on their faces, "What's going on?"

"We have a bigger problem than vampires now, grab your stuff and put it in the car, we can't stay here any longer," Sam said.

I knew by the tone Sam had not to ask any questions at the moment, he was never as pushy as Dean unless it was serious, so I did as I was told. We all climbed into the Impala and Dean started driving off. I was about to ask what was going on until I looked out my window and saw one of them, whatever it was, it wasn't anything I knew about and I don't think Sam, Dean, or Cas did either.

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