Chapter 9 (part 2)

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Chapter 9

    After Ryan's parents left the awkward-ness didn't.  Alice had went back to sleep and Ryan and I were left by ourselves. We didn't say anything to each other the rest of the night and perhaps that was for the best because when I saw his parents.. some kind of warning shot through me. Warning me that they were dangerous. Of course all vampires are dangerous, but my 'prejudice' against them had waned considerably since meeting Ryan and Paul.

    As much as I tried to get past Ryan's parents.. I just couldn't. And that scrared me even more. I could tell Ryan sensed my anxiety, because he was giving me some space.

    Ryan  called the male nurse that he had insisted was flirting with me, and the guy  came to take the two of us to the hospital to see Lance and get Paul, who was feeling much better today. We had to leave Alice back at the motel, because she was out like a light. Ryan walked ahead of the nurse and I; I don't think he was nesacarily angry though, just maybe tired? We all needed to get back home.

    When we got to the room where Lance was staying, I noticed the door was closed. Ryan stopped and turned to the nurse, avoiding eye contact with me.

    "Can I talk to you for a second? She can go in- the doctor and Paul are already in there with him."

    I felt myself recoil from him. Hearing Ryan talk about me as if I wasn't there.. what the hell? Instead of saying anything to him I turned on my heel and pushed roughly through the hospital room door. If he didn't want me around then...

    I must have looked as angry and confused as I felt because Paul looked at me funny. I shook my head, a tell-tale sign sending the message for him not to ask. The blonde vampire's arm wasn't in a sling- actually, he seemed totally fine. I went over to stand by him and looked down at Lance, who was lying limp on the hospital bed in front of us, breathing deeply.

    "How is he?" I question quietly, resting a comforting hand on Paul's fore-arm. To be honest, Lance didn't seem to well; and Paul looked concerned as hell.

    "He woke up this morning, long enough for us to make sure he was alright..." The doctor heasitated.

    I knew there'd be more. "Well, he woke up, right? That's good." The doc nodded.

    "Yes, but he's suffered memory loss. The last day he remembers is October 30th of this year."

    I felt Paul pull away from me. Paul must have realized what I did... Lance wouldn't remember us.. not as the group of friends we had been. Would losing Lance tear us apart? I couldn't imagine having the gang together- minus Lance.. it just wouldn't be the same.

    "Paul,  he'll remember." I promise, grabbing his hand. "We'll make him remember."

    The doctor looked between the two of us. "I'll get Mr. Jaxx's release forms so you two can be alone for a bit."

    I nod and thank him.

    Once the doctor left and closed the door behind him, I turned to Paul. "He's gunna be okay." The vampire dropped back into the chair behind him.

    When he finally looked up at me there were unshed tears in his eyes. "I know. He's going to be fine. But... God, Alix, you should've seen the look on his face when he woke up and I was the one standing over him. He was embaressed, and really confused... He barely even knows me now."

    Unable to even imagine how I'd feel if Ryan had forgotten me, I ran to the side of the chair and wrapped my arms around him. "He'll remember."


    Alix pushed past me and shut the door behind her into Lance's room. I knew she was pissed, but honestly I would be majorly embarassed to have to ask this guy about blood in front of her. I know how she feels about that...

    Just as I was about to say something, my stomach did the talking for me, and the guy got the picture. I knew that getting a blood bag would probably be out of the question, so I would just have to deal with a donor for now.

    "How long since you've eaten?" He asked me as we headed to the east wing. I finally noticed the name on his shirt- Jayy.

    "Three days," I mumbled, and he gave me a surprised look. I shrugged and then paused midstep, continuing on with a smirk when I realized what I wanted to ask him. "So Jayy. How does it feel to be a male nurse?"

    He looked back at me. "Yes. Because I soo have not heard that before. You want me to help you or not?"

    Hm. Good point.

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