Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten:

Alix's POV-


    Monday.  A week before the annual Valentine's day dance.

    I sigh and continue walking down the hall to my first period class.  The past month has gone by so slowly; between studying, homework, and keeping up with Alice's latest fads, there has been absolutely nothing going on. My life is back to how it was before I'd met Ryan.

    Walking past Paul and his lacrosse friends, I notice he sees me, but doesn't make eye contact, instead he turns his back to me, as if trying to block me out comepletely.  It's been like that ever since the day after the hospital. When the doctor told him that Lance wouldn't remember most of the important moments that we'd all shared together.  It's plain to see that he's cut himself off from all of us and is focusing completely on sports.

    Kind of like myself, as difficult as that is to admit.  Lately I find that I've lost myself in my studies in the poor attempt of keep my mind off of, well, Ryan.

    Alice waves at me and Kate smiles and makes a playfully rude comment as a hello to me.  Kate and I had made up and we're all friends now, if that wasn't obvious enough.  She's still dating Eric, which is a good sign, I guess.

    Almost to my first period, I notice Ryan. He's talking to a teacher in the doorway to another class next to mine.  Time slows even further as his cerulean eyes meet my own.  Officially speaking, we haven't broken up.  But I find myself always flinching when  my phone vibrates. I'm expecting some sort of break up text, from Ryan- after all, it's not like we've talked in forever.  I... I'm not even sure that we're still dating.  What if he'd found another girl and I just haven't heard about it. What if... I quickly push away the "what if's" finding them all too painful to even imagine.

    "Good morning, Miss Roscoe," the teacher greets me as I enter the class and go to sit at my desk.  Lance is huddled in a corner with a couple of girls, a couple of which include Chelsea Lockwood, who is the preppiest girl in the history of Skylight Academy, maybe the world, and Madison Feyve, who hangs on him constantly like she wants to physically rape him in the middle of class.  Which is weird, because as many of the gay memories that he lost, he is still very, veryy, extremely gay.  About as straight as a rainbow.

    Yet, to the mystery about everyone who keeps up with school gossip, he still tolerates Madison.

    And to think, this all got this way because of a car accident.  Something that should've brought us all closer ended up tearing us apart.  The question I just can't seem to answer is why.

Ryan's POV-

    I groan. I mean, dear fuckin' God, why can't I do this? What higher power is preventing me from pressing send? It's not like I could ever call her, or break up with her to her face. No, I'd have to do it through text. Maybe through e-mail. It's not like she ever checks that.

    Yeah, I have the text message to break up with Alix all written out. The hardest part has to deal with the "send" button. I think it has some kind of anti-force field that repels my thumb, because whenever I get close I pull away.

    I roll over on my bed. I'm in my dorm room, because if I went to the lobby or something, I don't think I could stand seeing Alix. I know if I don't break up with her, she'll break up with me; that's something that I do not want to happen. After all, I've never been dumped. So why can't I just break up with her?

    I know the answer. It's 'cuz I'm in love or whatever, right? I guess even to myself there's no point in denying it. But the fact of the matter is that I'm a new vampire, full grown at the mere age of seventeen. I can't physically age anymore, but it's just that I'm so...

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