Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Ryan's POV

    I couldn't do it. I just couldn't. As in-adversely attractive as I'd found Alix to be, as soon as it'd been brought to my attention that she was a virgin, I guess I just knew I couldn't be with her. Something about what she'd said before, about me not being able to have a serious relationship, was most likely true. I wasn't a sex addict though, no matter what Kate said.

    Well. Maybe just a little bit, but it wasn't something to declare to the whole fucking world.

    I was currently walking through leaves and dead grass to the hotel where I was meeting up with Ashley. She was younger than me, I had a year on her, at least. It was freezing outside and I didn't grab my coat on the way out, so I'd probably end up with a cold, but I really didn't care at this point. Alix's face when Kate told everyone we'd had sex was pretty much crushing. I really liked her. But now I wasn't even sure I could face her. It's not like we would've ever really gotten together anyways; I was a vamp and she wasn't. She hated vampires, and fangbangers even more, no doubt. There wasn't any reason I should be upset, because I had plenty of other girls practically lined up for me.

    But not her.

    Never her..

Alix's POV

    I sat on the couch as we all watched the television. But even the shock of Mr.  Rowley's death wasn't enough to get me to stop thinking about Ryan.

    He's not really going to have sex with her, I kept repeating that thought. It seemed to be the only thing keeping me calm. The 11 o'clock news was over too quickly- and so was the conversation about the murder. Everyone just kind of passed out except Lance and I, but he was still in the kitchen, probably staring off into space. I sat on the couch, thinking as well.

     The murder of Mr. Rowley was still confidential, but rumors were spreading fast, and the news had reported each and every one. I pulled my knees up to my chest as I fought to put all the pieces together. The murder was in some ways, really similar to my parents', that it was scary. Then they reported completely different things. Things that contrasted sharply against that of my parents deaths'.

    I pushed the thought away and an irrational anger seemed to sweep through me. I desperately wanted some one to talk to, some one to hold me and tell me everything was  going to be okay. I awkwardly walked into the kitchen. Lance sat on a stool against the counter.

    "Where the hell is he?" I pleaded to know, as if Lance had the slightest idea where   Ryan had gone. Instead of answering, Lance stood and held his arms out for me. I didn't need anything else. I ran into his arms and bawled for the first time since my parents died.

    "He'll come back," Lance promised quietly. "He was just ticked when Kay told everyone that they'd.. well-"

    "Fucked?" I asked rather belatedly between sobs that shook us both.

    He paused. "Yeah. That... He was also probably freaking a bit because he didn't know that you still had your virginity. I've known Ryan my whole life, 'cause our parents are collegues. He gets along with everyone. Well, mostly. But I know that he has some family problems; I wouldn't go... you know... blaming Everything on him just yet. It Was really stupid of him to leave like that. Kind of immature." I laughed at that, Lance had no idea what Ryan had left for. I pulled away from Lance and pulled my cell from my pocket, finding the message from Her, without looking at it, and handing the phone to him.

    "Read it," I choked out.

    Before he did, though, he looked me straight in the eyes and told me, "Alix, I want you to know that I'm a virgin, too. It's nothing you should be ashamed of, and if Ryan tries to pressure you, we'll have Paul, Max, and Alice beat him up.

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