Chapter two : "I got my eyes on you"

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Chapter 2 :  "I go my eyes on you"

The next day you woke up to your alarm going off on repeat. You turn it off as you groan in distress,  you walk over to your wardrobe and got an outfit then you walked into your bathroom to change into it. You did your skincare and makeup and after you finished you walked downstairs to greet your mum as you hear your brother Bruce come down the stairs. (You and Bruce are like best friends even though he is older by 9 months)."Morning Y/N,Morning mum" Bruce says in a joyful mood as always. "Morning"  you and your mother says. Your mum passes you both pancakes as you both demolish the food in seconds.You both get your bags and puts your shoes on ready to leave the house, you both say bye to your mum and she gave you both a kiss on the cheek.


As you and Bruce walk into the school you tell him about what happened yesterday and how you beat the boys ass. "Y/N I know your gonna moan at me for worrying but just be careful around them cause I don't want something to happen to you and remember if you need anything just ask, Ok?" Bruce said in a serious tone. "Come on Bruce we both know I'm stro-" you was cut off by Finney and Gwen and they ran to you shouting "Y/N GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED".You and bruce both turn around to listen and to what the two had to say. "ROBIN JUST BEAT UP MOOSE SO HARD THAT HIS FACE  WAS BLEEDING!!!" Gwen says out of breath.
After Gwen said that the one and only Robin appeared from behind you and Bruce saying "Hey guys what's up" scarying you,before you could say anything the bell rang and everyone went there separate ways except you and Finney.

When you both got to class which was History you guys was talking and yet again you told someone about what happened to you yesterday. "Who is the person" Finney says interested " I have no clue but he had blonde curly hair and blue eyes with the coolest denim jacket I have seen.As you say that the boy walked in,"Vance your late again that will be a detention after school" the history teacher said "whatever bitch" Vance says under his breath as he goes to sit at the back. " Finn that's him" you say calmly "WHAT SO YOUR TELLING ME YOU BEAT VANCE HOPPER THE TOUGHEST KID IN SCHOOL UP YESTERDAY" Finney said loud nearly shouting it. "Finney Blake may I please ask you to keep the noise down" the teacher said "sorry" Finney said as the whole class turned to look at you. Vance looked at you with a blank face before he turned back to the teacher.


As you walked in the canteen after being by yourself for the pass hour you walk over to where Bruce,Gwen,Finney and robin was sitting you go over and everyone greets you  ,you just talk about how everyone's lessons were. As you was listening to Bruce you felt eyes on you. You look around the canteen to see if anyone was looking at you when you saw Vance stareing at you. He quickly turned away as you wonder if he was gonna get revenge on you...

A/N: HAHA you have to wait for chapter three cause its 4:00 am 😪

♡ ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡 ♡ - Vance Hopper X Y/N YamadaWhere stories live. Discover now