five - girls night out

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February 16th 1983.

Okay, this week was weird. Really weird.

Weirder than this town could possibly get.

School was possibly the weirdest.

After that party, and the interaction with the giraffe, Mike stopped torturing us. Well not completely, he just lowered down the comments and stuff.

In fact, he got really quiet. It was actually kind of worrying me since he was usually really open and cocky.

But since I didn't know much about him, maybe he wasn't like that.

Whatever. He probably was.

Me and Terry walked to our lockers which were surprisingly very close to each other. We leaned against them, talking about how we were going to hang out that night.

"Hurricane doesn't exactly have much except cheap soda and guns so if we're gonna get you clothes, we're gonna have to go to the local thrift shop." Terry rambled on, gesturing like she was in her own world. I looked a head of me, where Michael was, taking books out of his locker.

His friends were crowding him, waiting as he got ready. I heard one of them ask if he was okay.

If I were them, I wouldn't have asked that. All week, whenever someone tried to talk to him, he would lash out, either physically or verbally. I heard he got sent to the principles office twice in these past few days. It was kind of sad to look at.

"You alright man? You've been so quiet." One of them asked, all Mike did was groan and push out of the small crowd, stopping when he saw me. I made eye contact with him, I didn't smile but I didn't exactly glare at him either. He looked a bit sad when he saw me then walked away, his friends following him again. I sighed.

I kind of felt bad for him.

No. I didn't. He's not going to get my gratitude when he literally terrorises me and Terry every single day.

"The ladies at Bam's are really nice, they help you out with practically everything! I got most my clothes from Cedar, my grandma lives there but theres plenty of stuff here too." Terry said, grabbing on my arm. Her smile faded when she saw my blank expression.

"You okay?" She asked quietly, her gaze softening. I looked at her hazel eyes. She looked genuinely worried for me. I nodded, forcing a small smile.

"Yeah, of course." I breathed, I looked down the corridor where I noticed Michael arguing with one of his friends. He had messy dirty blonde hair, covering his eyes slightly. He was wearing brown cargos, a grey top and a leather jacket. Just great, another possible idiot.

"We don't have to go shopping if you want, we could just go to seven eleven, buy alcohol with my older sisters id, get wasted and vandalise a park if you want." Terry joked, returning my attention to her. I smiled weakly.

"Let's stick to the thrift shop, not vandalising parks." I said, chuckling, Terry giggled, ruffling my hair lightly.

We attended our next class, which was English, sadly. Michael was in my class, he sat a couple seats away from me. Something was off about him. He kept fidgeting with his pencil, ripping off pieces of his paper and nibbling on his nails. Not something Michael Afton looked like he would do.

He even rejected his friends whenever they tried to talk to him!

Something was definitely on his mind that was stopping him from living life properly. He hadn't tripped us once today. To be honest, I kind of liked the peace.

Finally a few hours of silence from that dickhead.

The rest of the day went by faster than I've ever seen. Maybe it was my thoughts that made the day seem faster or my lack of excitement for what was happening after school.

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