fourteen - spring break

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April 3rd 1983.

We got a late start to spring break this year which sucks like hell because that means the second we come back to school, we're going to have exams.

Exams were never enjoyable, especially on subjects you can't do in the first place.

I was hoping this year maybe I would get better marks than I did last year but since these were real real exams, I have to admit I'm hella scared.

But spring break has no time for shit like exams, the weather had gotten a lot better which meant me and Terry could hang out more often and not going to lie, I kind of wanted to see Michael eventually too. At least once, even if its just a glance.


My phone rang loudly for the third time in the past ten minutes. I was just trying to fix up my messed up hair in my desk mirror and Terry was calling me again.

I rushed over to pick it up, clutching several makeup products in my hand. I sighed into the phone as I held it to my ear.

"Terry, I told you, I'm coming." I said quickly, I heard several voices in the background accompanied by the clattery of cutlery and loud music. It sounded cheery and fun. Just like any children's restaurant.

"Oh come Y/N, I'm not gonna wait forever, they always run out of pizza, you have to try it right when it's fresh!" Terry exclaimed excitedly into the phone, so loud I'm sure she could burst my eardrums. I groaned.

Terry always got so excited when she was doing something new with me. So far in the past three months I had been living in this town, I had only been to Fredbear's twice. Mainly just because B/N wanted to go and hang about.

"Okay okay, I'm on my way." I replied loudly, tossing away anything in my hand onto my bed and throwing the phone down. I was always late for meeting up with someone. It's always better to look pretty and be there late than look bad and be there early.

I scurried down the stairs, pulling on my converse and quickly glancing in the mirror to check if I had messed up anything right last minute.

I was wearing a red-orange kind of top tucked into my light blue jeans along with a grey button up as a jacket but I was layering so I wouldn't get too cold outside in the slightly chilly weather.

"Y/N! Where ya heading?" Grandma exclaimed from the kitchen, she made her way into the hall with a hot mug of hot chocolate in her hands. I quickly opened the front door.

"Out with Terry to Fredbear's, I don't know what's the hype but I wanna check it out properly." I replied with a smile, B/N appeared at the top of stairs as soon as I mentioned Fredbear's. I groaned loudly again.

"Ooh! Fredbear's? Can I come?!" He exclaimed from the top but I was already closing the front door as soon as he said that.


I strode through the parking lot, heading towards the big glass doors of the dirty building. It was just like any other building on the block, it was a bit out far which is why I had to jump a bus to get there before Terry screamed at me. There was a bold purple and yellow LED sign over the head of the doors, Fredbear's Family Diner. The windows were slightly dirty and steamed up, I could hear the clammering and squealing of children already. I don't know what was so special about this place but it looked kinda cool.

I pushed through the heavy doors, being greeted with a group of children running past my feet. Terry was standing at the counter, ordering drinks possibly. I walked up to her, pushing through multiple families.

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