forty eight - nightmares

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July 8th 1993.

The back of my shirt was suddenly soaked, wet all through, causing me to gasp and look around.

All I saw was darkness. There was nothing, just a void of darkness surrounding me.

I could barely see where I was, I didn't know what I was standing in and I didn't know how my t-shirt was drenched wet. I glanced under my feet and there was a puddle. It sent a tremble up my calves, the water was freezing cold. I tried to look into the puddle, but there was no reflection. None at all.

I was... perplexed? Slightly frightened as well, frightened of what could be hiding in the dark. Of something that could've been hiding in that puddle.

It didn't make sense. I glanced around again, darkness falling apon me like a brick. I felt the cold water fading as I started walking away, away into something I didn't know.

I came to an abrupt stop when I heard a quiet wail interrupt my thoughts, echoing throughout the void. I stood still; a minute, maybe two passed until I started moving again and then I heard the cry again. Louder, enough for my breath to catch in my throat.

I glanced around slowly, a light tremor creeping up my legs and arms, attacking me with a shudder to my spine.

It was still dark, there was no one. Except for the puddle that glistened in the very, very weak light that magically appeared, just a couple metres away from me.

But then someone appeared. Far away. Very far, so far that I could only barely see the silhouette that sat cross legged on the ground.

I tilted my head in confusion, hearing as the cries, the sobs, became even louder; disturbing my thoughts.

I checked behind me for a moment before hesitantly making my way towards the figure. Their cries didn't stop, they got louder every step I took.

My pace sped up, light steps morphing into a jog, then into a run. The form didn't seem to get bigger, they started to fade away, not counting how loud the sobs filled my ears.

Whatever water was under my feet splashed and squelched underneath me, the figure finally starting to show.

I was panting. Hard. The figure was so much more further away than I thought. The cold water splashed onto my feet the more I ran, my gasps for air filling the quiet surroundings, the loud cries echoed everywhere.

I finally approached the figure, sitting cross legged on the flooding ground beneath me. Their hair was messy and dark; completely drenched, dripping down their forehead. Their face was buried in their hands, so I couldn't make out their expression; their body jolting with every single sob that escaped their mouth.

I crouched down slowly in front of them, my hand coming to their shoulder reassuringly. They instantly flinched away, gasping slightly at my sight. The second they lifted their head, my eyes widened in shock. Fear maybe. Fear of whatever the hell was going on.

"M-Michael?" My voice, quiet: hesitant. I couldn't get the words out. My throat had suddenly went dry, my palms going clammy. My hand retreated quickly with a shocked gasp, my breath hitching again.

Mike stared at me in fear, watching as I stood up quickly. He gulped; hiccuping and looking down at his hands. He was shaking, terribly, but what was staining his hands was enough for another shudder to rush down my spine.

That grey top he was wearing, those blue shorts. Soaked, not in water.


Dark blood covering his stomach, his hands, across his face, it was even in his hair. Another strangled gasp left my mouth as I ran a shaky hand through my hair.

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