six - boy problems

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February 25th 1983.

I had survived a month in this fucking town. Congratulations to myself. Not only does that mean I have the most problems on my head that I could possibly have but also my mother on my head.

The phone rang downstairs, I was getting dressed to go out, I wanted to just walk about Hurricane for a while, maybe buy myself some cigarettes I don't know. All I knew is that I needed a huge break.

Michael obviously felt a lot better at school so he started terrorising me and Terry again. Now I think I hate him even even more. I despise him with a flaming passion.

It was tiring of being commented at, pushed around, thrown food at, laughed at in the halls. It was really tiring.

And why?

I didn't even know.

For being the not so new girl? Possibly.

Maybe Terry was right about Mike always being angry. He always seemed aggressive for some reason, he never seemed to be able to hold back on a fight. Whenever he saw us, we were like his punching bag where he let our whatever he felt on us. Or... he just wanted a laugh to see how foolish we looked.


I don't care.

I don't like him. I don't think he's a hunk. I think he's a yucky, disgusting smelly teenager that probably needs a three year long bath.

That is my full and truthful opinion.

I think.

"Y/N! Mom's on the phone! Get your ass down here." I heard B/N shout up the stairs, then I heard grandma laughing then lecturing him about using inappropriate language when she literally uses it herself.

I quickly brushed out my hair with my hand then applied a thin layer of lip gloss. I then ran downstairs and hesitantly took the phone from B/N, who was smirking at me.

"Uhm hi mom." I said awkwardly, twirling the white cord around my finger slowly.

"Hey hun, how's everything going? I just talked to B/N, you guys sound like your having fun." Mom replied back, I tried to cover up my sigh.

Me and mom, we were never that close.

"Everything's great actually, I really like this town." I responded casually. I did kind of like the town. It might of been dull and plain but it's been growing fun, hanging out with Terry, goofing around with grandma, throwing whatever dumb comebacks I can think off to a certain asshole.

But I was still really tired.

Like mom was ever going to notice that.

"Oh that's great hun, I loved living there when I was younger, I've heard you haven't gotten into any trouble yet, that's really good to hear." She said flatly, she sounded a bit surprised to be honest. I wasn't that bad right? I never really did anything to be honest. Like I mean, that group of jackasses at school were ten times worse.

"Yeah, no trouble, I never did it on purpose, I hope you get that." I tried saying but I heard mom sigh. She didn't believe me. Again.

"Okay well that's nice dear." Is all she responded with. She didn't sound very invested. "How's it at school? Made any friends yet?"

I smiled weakly to myself, at least she asked me some kind of relevant question.

"Yeah actually I have, one, a proper friend, Terry, she's really sweet, and funny, oh god she's amazing. Possibly better than any friend I've ever had." I said cheerfully, thinking of all the times me and Terry had goofed around with each other, spat out our drinks from laughter, talked shit about people and drank beer until we passed out.

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