twenty four - the accident

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Contains death!

Michael's POV:

July 6th 1983.

Driving your father's car with your brother's blood splattered all over you was not the greatest feeling.

Especially as you were the literal cause of it.

I was numb and clueless on what the fuck was going on around me, I couldn't even hear if anyone was speaking to me.

All I remember hearing was the awful screams of my own brother as his head literally got crushed right in front of my eyes.

There was dark blood all over my face, my shirt, my hands, on my lap. It was everywhere. I felt like Evan's blood was still gushing all over me even if I clearly knew Evan was in the ambulance just in front of our car.

Father was in the ambulance in front of us, I could hear Elizabeth sobbing quietly in the passenger seat beside me. I didn't think much of it, I couldn't think much of it. I just... couldn't.

My thoughts, my feelings, it was all mixed up in one jumble of mess. I couldn't understand anything, I couldn't even process what had just happened.

I just knew, I wasn't exactly the proudest.

I didn't even notice when we had made it to the hospital. I don't know how long we sat in the waiting room. All I knew is that we were there long enough for the blood on my clothes and hands to practically fossilise.

My leg was bouncing up and down at a rapid speed, I kept fiddling with my hands but nothing was able to calm me down. I was too nervous, too shaken, too afraid.

I was definitely afraid of Evan not making it but what I was afraid of most was father's reaction.

What was he going to do to me?

Will he scream at me?

Will he disown me?

Will he kill me?

Oh god, I had messed up bad, way too bad. This was all completely messed up shit.

He was going to kill me.

I was going to die.

There was no way I wasn't going to die tonight.

I couldn't be dying though, there was so much left in life for me. I still had two more years of high school then an entire lifetime ahead of me. I couldn't die.

Even as much as I thought I deserved it.

I couldn't get away from the thoughts, it was too troubling. I needed a smoke so bad but if father saw me smoke, he was probably going to kill me twice.

"Uhm, I need- I need to go get some air, I'll-I'll be right back." I stammered nervously, standing up quickly. However, father stopped me with a loud grunt.

"Go clean yourself up while you're at it, I'm sure even the birds outside will be terrified the moment they see your face, but sadly soap and water won't wash away any shame along with it." He instructed flatly, waving me off. Wow, thank you so much. I clenched my fists, striding quickly to the men's bathrooms.

I was so relieved when I saw that the bathrooms were empty, giving myself the space I needed to let myself revive.

I couldn't come to washing off the blood just yet as much as I begged myself to get rid of any evidence of this crime scene that was stained on my hands.

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