fifty - tease

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Omg dominant Michael!? 😱 Contains smut 😊!

July 8th 1993.

"Mike- Michael oh god..."

An uncontrollable whimper left my mouth as Michael's lips grazed down my chest, letting his tongue trail lightly across my skin down to my stomach.

I don't even remember how the hell I ended up on my bed with Michael's head practically in between my legs. At first we came home, mom blew out her candles on her honey cake then we celebrated for a bit with her wine, but then suddenly my back was against my bedroom door, Michael's mouth on my jaw and his fingers fumbling around with the zipper of my skirt. I guess we really were both sex deprived maniacs who loved touching each others bodies every second they received.

My back arched, my eyes shutting tightly as Michael's gentle kisses against my stomach shoved me out my thoughts. His hands roamed my sides, holding me still. My top was already gone, discarded to the floor; my only piece of clothing left to remove being my unzipped skirt and panties. Michael himself was shirtless, his jeans unzipped and hanging just under his waist: giving me full view of his v-line. Oh how I loved the look of that little waist of his, those perfect biceps, his abs, his fucking thighs. Just running my fingers across them was enough for a puddle of heat to pool in between my legs, sending shudders up my body.

I clutched onto the sheets tighter as Michael peppered light mouth kisses down my stomach, pulling my skirt and panties down as he dragged his tongue along my skin.

"M-Michael..." His lips lingered gently just above my clit, teasing the area even with the bare movement. He pulled my panties down completely and tossed them to the floor; taking my thighs in his hands and pushing them apart further.

"Shh now, you'll have to be quiet or we won't be able to do this." Michael murmured seductively, pressing a soft kiss on my inner thigh: sending another burst of electricity up my spine. My head rolled back into the pillow involuntarily, a soft gasp leaving my mouth as Michael's own lips teased their way up and down my inner thighs. A moan threatened to leave my mouth but I forced it back: I am not leaving my mother traumatised.

"I can't keep quiet like this-" I breathed out shakily, my legs shuddering when Michael's tongue suddenly brushed my clit, the moan in my throat practically blocking my airways. A struggled noise left me uncontrollably instead: a desperate whimper more like. I fisted the sheets, breathing out heavily as Michael's tongue started to slowly drift up and down my entrance.

"How is everything about you so good?" Michael whispered with a chuckle, squeezing my thighs gently before plunging his tongue inside of me without warning. It was just once, then his tongue was back on my clit; but the rocking moan he just ripped out my throat was probably loud enough to wake up the entire street.

"I said to keep quiet Y/N." Michael laughed quietly, pressing a soft kiss to my thigh again. I whimpered uncontrollably, one of my hands moving to the bars of the headboard behind me.

"You aren't making this easy Mike." I chuckled lightly, sucking in a sharp breath as Michael's tongue glided over my clit again. His hands gripped my thighs tightly, pushing them back even more; his tongue drifting down to my opening and stopping there.

He brought his head up again with a light smirk, gazing up at me with that lustful glisten in his eyes. I whimpered desperately, nesting my other hand and Michael's hair and trying to push it back down.

"Ugh don't be such a tease Mike." I complained with a groan, staring into his gleaming blue eyes with a pleading gaze. "You're gonna make me go insane."

"Aww do I make you insane?" Michael smirked, bringing his lips down to my thighs again, guiding himself down to my vulva, but not going any further. All this teasing with my skin was literally gonna kill me. Why did Michael had to be such a fucking flirt? "Well if you're gonna go insane, at least don't wake your mother."

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