forty three - need each other

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Contains suggestive themes 🙈.

June 25th 1993.

We jumped into Michael's car as quickly as possible, neither of us saying a single word.

Everything just happened so quickly, I was starting to believe I hadn't actually managed to do any of that in the first place.

But I did it. I broke up with him. It was for the better, there was no point in staying with him if a different, more amazing man and someone I trusted with my life, had won my heart over.

Just finally getting away from Nick had seemed to take off that weight I was carrying around on my shoulders. Normal girls would feel miserable about breaking up with their boyfriend but as for I, weirdly felt more relieved than saddened.

Yeah sure, I was slightly hurt by the words he used and the fact that he was screaming at me in front of dozens of people but it didn't stop the thought of finally being able to get with Michael for the first time in ten years from replacing those feelings. The way he stared at me in the restaurant, his beautiful sky blue eyes just wiped out all misery from my mind.

I didn't notice Michael had started driving until we drove through a pothole in the road, kicking me straight back into reality.

The entire ride was silent, the 'Creep' playing quietly in the background. It was raining quite harshly outside, the water droplets tapping loudly on the windshield, the wind howling indistinctly outside.

We eventually came to stop outside my apartment, just in front of the front doors but neither of us moved. I was stuck. I didn't want to go. I didn't want to leave at all. I wanted to go back home with Michael, with Michael. Nick was no longer in my life. I broke up with him for Michael.

My gaze was at my hands in my lap, my leg slightly vibrating up and down unconsciously. However, I felt his eyes burning into the side of my head, forcing me to turn to face him.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, his hands holding the steering wheel. I loved how comforting his voice was, just his existence was enough to fulfill all the holes that Nick had punctured in my heart. I shrugged, smiling weakly as I wiped away the tears that had blurred my vision again. I chuckled lowly, my stare moving to Michael's.

"I broke up with him Mike. I finally broke up with him." I laughed but it was strained and weak, it was more than obvious I was holding back a lump of sobs in the back of my throat.

Mike tilted his head, a tiny smile creeping up onto his face, extending into a wide grin.

"You wanted to break up with him?" He chuckled, looking down at his lap. "Wow..."

I nodded, biting down harshly on my lip when a weird, pained grunt decided to escape my mouth uncontrollably. Mike glanced at me again, his hand coming to my thigh, gently caressing it and some how stopping it from bouncing. I didn't even flinch away, his touch was possibly the first thing I needed right now.

My teeth instantly retracted from my lips, a shaky breath leaving my mouth in a slow manner. Michael's thumb drew circles on my thigh, a tingly, fluttering feeling setting in the depths of my stomach.

"It still hasn't sunk in yet... but I guess I just feel... relieved almost, I'm more angry at him than miserable to be honest." I admitted with a shaky sigh, leaning my head back onto the seat, closing my eyes with a gulp as I felt Michael's grip become tighter on my thigh, slowly travelling inwards.

Michael chuckled again, his eyes darting down my body then back up to my eyes.

"Did you break up with him because - because of what you said to me? Because you said you still loved me...?" Michael questioned, his voice low. I turned to face him, sighing softly.

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