twenty one - sleepover

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June 21st 1983.

I was slightly cautious about going to Michael's place for the night but I figured it would be fine, I wasn't even sure how I managed to convince grandma. All she told me was to 'stay safe', Michael has literally been one of the only people I felt safe around.

We ended up driving to the area near the lake as Michael's house was a bit far out away from the centre of town but it was still nice, I could tell that Michael's father was probably a nature whiz or something.

We pulled up in front of the garage of his large tall house. It was two stories high with victorian style windows, it was quite grey and dull, only the trees around the house gave it some colour. Michael shut off the engine and climbed out the car, I followed him, wrapping my towel tighter around myself to provide some body warmth.

"I hope my dad hasn't came home yet, he will literally kill me if he figures out I took his car out again." Michael spoke up with a nervous chuckle, retreating his keys out of his pocket and unlocking the front door.

"Again? How many times have you taken his car?" I asked with a giggle, all Michael did was smirk before opening the door up, a wave of heat blowing in my face.

We both stepped inside his darkened house, it almost seemed like no one was there. The design of the house was similar to grandma's except it wasn't as exotic and colourful, it was dark and empty, you could literally hear your voice echo as you spoke.

I was about to speak up when a short girl with frizzy ginger hair started stomping down the stairs, an angry frown glued onto her face.

"Mike, where the heck have you been?" She exclaimed in a whiny voice, stopping halfway as she noticed Mike. Michael rolled his eyes. "Evans crying in his room again."

I heard Michael sigh loudly. I presumed that Evan was probably another one of his siblings.

"He's probably fine, he's just being dramatic again." Mike replied flatly, tossing his plastic bag full of his towel and soaked clothes onto the couch in his living room before returning to the hall. I just stood in between their conversation, shivering in my wet towel.

Elizabeth frowned, her attention suddenly pointing at me. "Uhm, who are you?" She asked, I sucked in a breath. That was Michael's sister probably, I had spoken to her slightly on the phone. She wasn't acting really cool right now.

"I'm Y/N, we spoke on the phone." I responded with a nervous smile, Elizabeth smiled and came down the rest of the stairs, holding her hand out to me.

"Elizabeth, but you can call me Lizzy, if you want." Elizabeth squeaked in response with a childish giggle, I chuckled and shook her hand.

"So are you Michael's girlfriend or not?" She asked with a glare, her hand retreated to her hip. I glanced at Michael beside me, who had sucked in a breath and literally looked half paralysed.

"Girlfriend?" I laughed. "You can wish."

Elizabeth frowned harder, squinting her eyes at me as if she was inspecting me or something.

"You're definitely prettier than Michael's other girlfriends, all of them wore way too much makeup." Elizabeth stated sassily, walking away towards their kitchen, her hands on her hips. I'm pretty sure my eyes were literally wider than saucers right then, I could feel the heat start to creep up to my face again. Great, second time flustered. But I must admit, I was fairly flattered by her compliment.

Michael chuckled and smirked, suddenly standing in front of me. "She's just being an asshole again, don't believe a word she says." He instructed, rolling his eyes. Was he calling me ugly? Elizabeth shouted from the kitchen suddenly.

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