Chapter 5

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Sasuke watched Naruto getting in the taxi and leaving, and the white haired doctor getting inside the hospital. Sasuke took a moment to take a deep breath, and calm himself. He knew that rush decisions would lead to sour ends. Sasuke took a slow step, and then started running into the hospital.

Fuck calm. He didn't want to lose the sight of the white haired bastard. When Sasuke entered the hospital, all he found was empty corridors, and a counter with a girl sitting behind it.

"Good night, sir," The secretary smiled. "How can I help you?"

"I'm looking for..." Sasuke rubbed his temple, trying to remember the name. "Kakashi... I think he has white hair."

"Oh, yes, you mean Kakashi Hatake-sensei," The girl replied. "But his work hours has ended. I'm afraid you'll have to come back on Monday."

"I saw him just a minute ago," Sasuke said, he was losing time.

"Yes, he went to the parking lot," The girl smiled.

"Then where is the fucking parking lot?!" Sasuke shouted, finally losing his temper.

The girl jumped in her place, and pointed the sliding doors. "A-At the back of the main building."

Sasuke didn't linger anymore. He turned back and run to the door. He had to wait a second for them to open, and then started running around the big building. The garden was dark, and probably Sasuke was violating some rules by running over small side gardens, and flowers, but he didn't care. He just needed to reach that man and get answers from him. And then beat the shit out of him. Sasuke needed to beat that Kakashi guy for every time he touched his Naruto. He needed to beat him for kissing his Naruto. He needed to kill him if he dared to do more than that. What if they were together and they had a child? What then? Sasuke trembled with the thought, and stopped as he reached to the parking lot.

It was dark, a few street lights were located around, but they didn't do a good job. Sasuke looked around, and between cars, he saw one with an opened rear deck, and somebody was leaning into it. Sasuke's eyes widened as he saw Kakashi guy throwing his white coat inside, and closing the door.

"Hey, you!" Sasuke shouted and walked with quick steps.

Kakashi looked around and then pointed at himself. "Ughh, me?"

"Don't fuck with me!" Sasuke hissed and then grabbed Kakashi's collar.

Despite Sasuke's obvious rage, Kakashi was extremely calm. "I would never think of it... Maybe you can tell me what the problem is and we can solve it?"

"Kakashi," Iruka left the car and stood beside his lover. "What's happening?"

"You were with my spouse," Sasuke hissed. "I saw you... You were kissing him!"

"Kakashi!" Iruka screamed. "Are you cheating on me?"

"Wait, wait," Kakashi waved his hands. "Who are you?"

"Why the fuck should it matter?" Sasuke asked angrily, but still answered, "Sasuke." He wasn't about tell his last name to foreign people.

"Okay, Sasuke-san," Kakashi smiled. "Let's go step by step... Who is your wife?"

"Naruto," Sasuke answered. "Blond hair, and blue eyes."

Both Kakashi's and Iruka's eyes widened, and they looked at each other.

"Kakashi," Iruka whispered. "It's him. He's that Sasuke."

Kakashi nodded, and then shoved Sasuke's hands back. "If you really must know, no, Naruto and I are not together. And if you think Naruto's cheating on you, then you don't know your spouse at all."

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