Chapter 7

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Naruto walked into the company with slow steps. He smiled at the security guy, and walked further inside. It was big and bright. Glasses covered almost all of the walls so the winter sun filled inside and gave a warm feeling.

"Good morning, Naruto-san," The secretary at the entrance greeted Naruto. Naruto smiled back.

"Good morning. How are you?"

Naruto was kind of on top of the whole secretaries in the company. He was the owner's secretary after all, and everybody respected him. Naruto didn't know what they would do if they knew he was married to their boss. A part of Naruto wanted them to know. Because Naruto always heard other employees gossiping about Sasuke's private life, and if they knew Sasuke was married they would leave him alone. Then again, if Sasuke wanted them to know he would let them know. Obviously, he didn't, because in the end, marriage was nothing but signatures on a paper, right?

"I'm fine, thank you!" The girl chirped.

Naruto smiled. Waving to the girl, he went to the elevators. Naruto was thankful that they had more than enough elevators, because walking to the top floor would surely kill him.

Naruto greeted the employees at the management floor and he walked to his room directly. He took off his coat, and bag and placed them in his hidden closet. He sat down in front of his desk, and started his computer. First things first, he took his agenda and checked Sasuke's schedule for today. There wasn't anything important, only except a meeting with a small company in the afternoon.

Naruto took the cases which were neatly placed at the corner of his desk, and started working on them. He was supposed to find out the main point of them, and then take notes to make Sasuke's job easier. He worked on the cases till his neck protested the lack of movement. Rubbing his nape with a hiss, Naruto checked the time. He frowned as he realized that it was nearly eleven, but Sasuke still hadn't come to work.

It was odd. Sasuke always come around the time Naruto arrived. Sometimes, he got late, stuck in traffic or something, but if it was the case, he always called Naruto to let him know he wasn't going to be there on time. Naruto frowned as he gazed at Sasuke's closed door. Did something happen? Last night, he hadn't come to see Koichi either. What if they had a fight with Mikoto? What if Fugaku didn't like Naruto living with them? Naruto would hate it if he caused a fight between the father and son.

Naruto huffed as he turned to work. Why he was worrying for the bastard? He didn't deserve anything from Naruto. Nodding to himself, Naruto started analyzing another case. After ten minutes, his eyes went to Sasuke's closed door again. Stupid, stupid Sasuke. Naruto stood up, and then walked to the door. He leaned his ear against the wooden door but couldn't hear anything from inside. He knocked on the door gently, but heard no response.

Taking a deep breath, Naruto pushed the door open slowly. He peeked inside and the first thing he saw was the empty desk of Sasuke's. Frowning, Naruto walked inside, and his eyebrows rose as he saw Sasuke sleeping on the leather couch of his. Closing the door, Naruto walked to Sasuke with soft steps and then kneeled beside him.

Naruto's heartbeat quickened suddenly. Sasuke's mouth was slightly agape, and his pale cheeks were rosy. He looked so beautiful that it reminded Naruto of the past. Years ago, when it was just Sasuke and Naruto, when they were back in their village, in Sasuke's futon, Naruto would watch his beloved when he slept like this. He would caress his flawless cheeks, Naruto started caressing Sasuke's cheeks without realizing. He would stroke Sasuke's healthy locks, Naruto's hands went to Sasuke's hair. He would kiss his fair forehead, Naruto leaned over and placed a small kiss upon Sasuke's exposed forehead.

Naruto took a shaky breath. Why things couldn't go back to way they used to be? Naruto missed the times when his only care was to play a little more, and to eat more fries than vegetables. A tear left one of his eyes, but he was quick to wipe it away.

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