Chapter 12

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"Excuse me?" Naruto looked at Sakura oddly.

"I'm pregnant," Sakura repeated.

Naruto gulped, feeling like he was about to faint. "Y-You are pregnant, with Sasuke's child?"

"Yes," Sakura nodded.

"How far are you?" Naruto asked lowly.

"Uhmm..." Sakura thought for a while. "Two months. Yeah, two months."

Naruto frowned. She wasn't sure how far was she? Naruto had counted days to finally see his baby. But two months... Would Sasuke really be with another when he was trying to rebuild their relationship so desperately?

"It's such a miracle, right? You can feel it moving inside of you," Naruto lied easily. Mothers couldn't feel their babies moving until four months.

"Yes," Sakura smiled. "She's moving without stopping."

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Do you want to have a girl?"

"Yes," Sakura smiled again. "Sasuke has always wanted a daughter."

Naruto sighed. Did she really think Naruto would buy her cheap lies? Still, Naruto decided not to tell her that, and kept playing her game.

"Congratulations," Naruto said coldly. "But why you're telling me this?"

"I..." Sakura was surprised with Naruto's calmness. She was expecting a big reaction but Naruto proved her wrong. "I want you to divorce Sasuke."

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "And why should I do that?"

"Because Sasuke needs to take responsibility for what he did," Sakura hissed. "I can't let him belong to you only."

"But if you're only thinking of your baby's future what would you gain from our divorce?" Naruto asked, he was getting irritated with all of this stupidity.

"I won't let you push my baby away from Sasuke," Sakura said with a frown. "I'll sue you, too."

Naruto blinked a few times. "For what?"

"I'll demand a DNA test for the boy and Sasuke," Sasuke said crossing her arms over her chest.

"B-But," Naruto was surprised with that. "Why? Sasuke and I are married, and Koichi's Sasuke's son."

"And why should I believe you?" Sakura raised an eyebrow. "You appeared out of nowhere with a child. You got Sasuke's attention. You got a job thanks to him. You got a fund for your brat. You got respect, all because of a child that no one knows who the father is of."

"Enough!" Naruto nearly shouted. He breathed deeply to calm down. Vaguely, he heard his phone vibrating, but he ignored it. "Don't ever confuse me with yourself," Naruto hissed. "I married Sasuke, he became my husband and the father of my baby. Women like you can't know what faith is."

Sakura's eyes narrowed. "Careful with your words there."

"I am careful," Naruto clenched his teeth. "You are the one who cheats on Sasuke constantly. I'm just curious, how do you that that baby of yours is Sasuke's?"

Sakura frowned. "You had it coming... I'll also sue you for talking false about me and the amount of redress I'll demand won't be paid easily."

Naruto gulped. What now? His phone vibrated, and Naruto ignored it once again. "So you're suing us in three different cases?"

Sakura smirked disturbingly. "I also talked to Mikoto dear-"

Naruto shivered involuntarily.

"-she also wants a DNA test, and wants you to sign a contract to abandon your and your brat's rights on the Uchiha family's inheritance," Sakura ended her words, obviously pleased with the shock she caused Naruto.

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