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You watched as Gon and Killua did rock paper scissors and Killua won the sword, it looked nice, it was with a blue details on the handle and the blade had blue designs adorning it and it turned into a card, it was ranked B 4th to being the highest difficulty card, it was pretty so you wouldn't mind anything. You guys left as Killua put the card in his slot in his book which was controlled by the ring he had on.

When you guys were walking a guy called out. "Hey, you kids! uh- hand over the sword of truth right now! Look, I don't want to rough you up so just do what I tell you!" He says trying to 'threaten' some people who he didn't want to try because he had the wrong ones. "No, Of course not./No way, you idiot." Killua and [Name] say.

The three turn around and begin to resume their journey. "Book!" he says summoning his book with his ring. "Book!" Gon says summoning his book and turning around as Killua already had his book out also getting in a defensive stance as you sighed; this dude was really getting on your nerves and wasting you guys' time.

He was about to use it on Killua when Gon came and snatched it before he could finish the chant and said he wouldn't give it back next time. You guys tried to leave but these group of guys ended up taking your card because they were pros at the game and Gon was very upset, You were too; because Ging himself said he wanted Gon to enjoy the game and it didn't seem good right now considering that was a card of the main 100 cards you needed to get to win the game. 

When you put your books back you guys headed for the city of masadora. That at least took Gon's mind off of the situation. You guys bought a map to help you guys find your way after buying snacks and water but then you realized it really didn't help with anything; so you asked for directions.

You guys were currently trying to find Masadora and escape the weird girl that kept following you, when you're in a forest a bunch of bandit ninjas beg you guys to help as you noticed them coughing a lot. So you kindly stay near Gon and Killua and discuss how you were gonna pay for this dying little boy's medicine because it costs the amount you guys have gotten from selling your spell cards.. you've thought as they'd probably give you guys valuable items for doing that.

"Excuse me~! but I have enough to cover the 80-thousand jenny!" the weird girl who followed you says, "Excuse me, we're busy so shut up for a minute." Killua says irritated putting a shushing finger over his mouth. "Yeah, I get you want to be helpful but please being quiet would help a lot." You say softly so it wouldn't seem you're intending to be rude like Killua was.

- These n-ggas scammed y'all.

They took Gon & Killua's clothes, (no not all of them you ghetto weirdo.) and took the moolah which made you cackle loudly when you guys were leaving, instead you guts decided to fight monsters and turn them into cards to make money. "Alright let's see all of that secret training to work!" Killua said as the two you nodded happily.

You guys ended up fighting a bunch of these giant ogre things it wasn't that long until Killua found out you were supposed to hit its eye then telling you guys and you guys were basically making quick cash.

You guys were now off to Masadora until a giant purple frog thing monster appeared in front of you three as it licked its long stitched lips, its' tongue was blue and it wanted you. "AAAA!" The three screamed; the monster chasing behind trying to eat them.

―They see a horse with a hole for a mouth and it blew bubbles at them that made loud shockwaves when you popped them, Killua pointed all of that out, including that it really was harmless. "Welp, it's harmless, we should just go!" Gon says as you two nodded and proceeded on your journey.

―You guys went in a cave and came out running from a giant worm. "HEHEHE!- THIS REMINDS ME OF THAT ONE EPISODE IN SPONGEBOB WHERE EVERYONE WAS TERRIFIED OF THIS ALASKAN BULL WORM!" You yelled over the screeching of the giant worm. "Heh it does/Hehe! yeah, it does!" They say as you guys continued running.

―You guys then found this neon monster that Gon started poking, "It looks like a Minecraft ghast, but neon!" you say as Killua on your spare time has introduced you & Gon to video games. "It does doesn't it, but its more unsightly because it has one eye." Killua said looking at it.


―You guys ran from bees and started kicking this slime blob monster, you squeezed it. You guys encounter a knight in armor and hear someone yell gyo  saying if you guys knew how to then use it, it was a small monster controlling the knight which was just armor. "If you guys could use gyo why didn't you just use it?" she asks you three angrily. "mm (i don't know.) It was fun to not use it though." you said plainly as the two nodded with your logic. She offers to train you guys which Killua wasn't on board with.

―"My names biscuit Krueger, I'm not too big on formalities so you guys can just call me Bisky."Bisky says, then putting her hands on her hips. "In return, you guys have to obey whatever I say with no question." "Ugh, no way and no thank you." Killua says. "She, him and I aren't so desperate that we need to beg a total stranger to train us." He says looking at Bisky.

―"Am I right guys? back me up!" Killua says looking at the both of you. "The thing is, Mr. Wing is already training us." Gon says and you nod, "Yes, I am sorry we can't." You bowed politely. "Yeah that's right! we already have a master, the market's filled we are not looking for another one!" Killua says doing a shooing away motion with his hand directing towards Bisky. "Did you say Wing? that little boy with the messy hair and glasses? the one who never tucks his shirt in?" you snickered, 'not her coming for Mr. Wonga ding.' 

―"You know him?" Gon asked in surprise. "Of course I know him! he's one of my students, or he was." "Woah really!" Gon says happily, "So he's become a master now has he? time really does fly doesn't it? does that mean that the three of you are professional hunters as well?" "Yeah! well- just us." Gon says and Killua points at the two of you. "And you've passed the secret exam too?" "yup!/mhm." the two say.


"Wow that really takes me back," Bisky says. "Well, I guess that essentially means I'm your masters' master!" Bisky says pointing to herself. "Now that that's out of the way, let's get down to training."


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