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❝You two rest, I'll go for 6 hours then we switch. Since it seems like [Name] i stronger, we'll have you go last so you can practice and regenerate.❞―Killua says as you two nodded.


After a bit you guys decide to rest until the next day because if it took three of you to win against a weak person then you'd have to try to get stronger.

When you were resting you were laying on your stomach with your arms crossed in front of you so you could lay your head on your arms, you hear the slightest sound on the red-haired bounty hunter trying to leave and you're immediately next to him looking down on him before he can stand as everyone else is also awake and looking at him. "Where you goin'?" you asked lifting a brow. He slowly sits back down going into his spot.

You smiled and go back to your spot and get back in your 'sleeping' position and attempt to go to sleep this time. Soon as time asses it was day 5 counted by Bisky and your turn to go one on one with this dude.


―Immediately you run up to kick him but as soon as he used his scissors to swipe you use your other leg to make you fly backwards and land on the ground, he runs at you and and as you duck and then he jumps back with a smile you get up and look down. he cut a piece of your long curly hair. (you took em out.) you looked at him with widened eyes. 'this nigga lost his mind oh my gosh lord i swear i didn't wanna jump nobody today!' you were so pissed "Oh (boo boo emoji.)" both boys say as you ran up and get in a handstand like positon and twist your lower half and full-on ick this mf in the head.

You then throw the scissors out his hands and grab him by the hair and start punching him until Gon tries to hold you back and you start hurling curses in English at him and still holding onto his hair. "Let em' go. It's no use, you'll have to wait till it grows back." Killua says playing with your hair and you rolled your eyes. "Sorry for punching you. I just like keeping my hair long and i value it." you apologized. He of course accepted it but was scared.

During the ending of Gon's turn, he stops himself from punching him in the stomach and in the end he said he gives up and would let you guys kill him; which you didn't, he said he'll turn himself in and in the end you felt bad so before he left you pushed yourself to actually give physical touch to someone and hug him which at first surprised him until he pat your head and left with tears rolling down his face. Gon waves to him.

―"Time to head to Masadora!" Bisky holds up a finger making you use gyo. "9." "Correct, you two boys, two sow. 1,000 push ups."



―𝐘𝐎𝐔 Smiled at the weird core looking city, it was like an abstract painting. You guys went to a card store for Bisky to make you guys walk all the way back to the rocky place with digging tools and hats that regularly miners would wear.

―"Okay! let's go back to Masadora now! but this time in a straight line." Bisky says pointing forward to a bunch of rocks. "Wait, a straight line huh? you don't mean-" "I do! it's time to start digging!" Bisky chirps. "Oh my God-" You whined aggressively and you guys get to digging, that wasn't made you upset. The sun kissing your skin wasn't possible because you guys had to dig in the rocks and your outfit was getting dirty.

―Every night she had you guys hold onto a rope and you couldn't let go or it'd hit you in the head and you'd have to be on high alert to stop her from cutting it and she'd make it bigger each time and that's how you would sleep and it was good for you because you'd be wide awake every time. The next morning Gon came up with a smart idea to make the shovels get enhanced when you use your aura so you could think of it as an extension of your body and get this done quicker.

―"Yeah we did it!" They both cheered as you smiled at the two. "Okay! now let's head right back to where we were!" Bisky says as you three get upset but nonetheless go back.



―"Next, we're going to work on collecting monster cards, you now have the physical strength to beat every enemy you might encounter here, but what you lack is strategy; the ability to think while you're on your feet. And that's important whenever you're fighting an enemy. So, Combat analysis skills." "Wait? combat-" "Analysis skills?" Both boys ask as you just tilt your head,

- the training begins.

―Gon chases around the fluffy black puffball monster called a hyper puffball until he finally catches it by its' tail and it turns into a card, "yay i caught the hyper puff ball!" Gon cheered, Killua caught the uhm ... uh the y'know the like.. MELANIN. Lizard so like uhm yeah. You caught worm monster and a t night you guys were really getting good at holding the rope. It was now time to try to get the bubble horse which you guys did with ease you sitting on the back of the horse and Gon hugging it.

―Bisky shows you guys what looked to be Ren but even stronger it was directed onto her hand, she explained it was all four exercises along with Gyo, called Ko; focuses every amount of your aura into one part of your body then attack. "I'm going to attack you with my fist, by no means necessary is dodging allowed," "oh well watch me fail then' you automatically gave up."Figured it out yet? that's right, if you use your aura normally to block then you'll take considerable damage. So instead-" "we use Ko as well/we should use Ko as well!" you and Gon say. "you're half-right; Ko against Ko unless the disparity or power is too great, a well executed block will protect you!" Bisky says.

―"But, if your opponent hits you in a place you weren't using Ko. You'll be destroyed!" "Then we should use Ko on our entire body, but that sounds contradictory." Killua says, "Exactly, this technique combines both ten and Ren, it's known as Ken (Ryuguji.) You defend yourself by shrouding your body in much more aura than usual, it isn't as strong as Ko of course, but it's infinitely more practical. Gon, use Ren please." She asked as Gon gets in positon. "Ken is sustaining that for a long time, now defend yourself from my punch if you can." Bisky says

―You were afraid she was actually going to try to kill him and when she went slow you didn't believe it wasn't going to hurt him still you thought he would get obliterated, Gon put a palm in front of her fist and got blown away due to letting his guard down seeing how slow her fist was. When he tried the second time he couldn't hold Ken/Ren any longer and gave out, so you guys practiced on keeping It on for a long time.

―"Good! that's 30 minutes, you've sure gotten a lot stronger the past week," Bisky compliments holding up a finger which made you guys point at her using Gyo. "The number 3!" "Ding. Killua by a hair. Gon, [Name] a thousand push ups!" Killua smiled at you guys having to do push ups, you were totally going to jump him after this.

―"Alright, today we'll begin actual combat training. Ken!" you all use Ken. "in your current state, both your attack power and defense are at 50 which means if you two were to find one another using ken wouldn't be able to cause much damage at al, what do you do?-" "we use our Ko!" Gon says with a fist in the air. "no you dummy what if they hit you were you're not using Ko! what then?" Bisky says as Killua raises his hand. "we use Gyo?" "Correct!" "hmh!" Killua says with a hand on his hip and a smile while looking at you two who were confused. You make a face and look at Killua. "I got it right!" he whispered. "B-tch, don't nobody care." you say crossing your arms as Bisky started laughing, she was fond of you.

―She teaches you guys Ryu and different angles and percentages to use each body part with, she wanted you guys to do this for 3 days and then you'd be able to use it at full speed.

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