Chapter 20: Tangel With a Phoenix

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Third Person POV

To say that Issei Hyoudou wasn't surprised would be a complete lie, in fact, he was completely surprised by the fact that Sun Fucking Wukong was currently inside his home. He knew that the person had to be someone familiar to him since the presence was just that, familiar. However, he was expecting it to be someone like Sona or maybe even Rias...but then again, he didn't sense any demonic aura so that idea was out the window. The only other people that were familiar to Issei were either Yuuma or whatever her name was and finally...

Sun Wukong.

Sweat ran down Issei's forehead as he was kinda concerned, why the hell was the Monkey King inside his home? What was the purpose of coming here?

Issei: 'Why is he here...'

Miki: "Did you sleep well, Issei?"

Issei: "Uh, yeah, mom. What are you doing?"

Miki: "Oh, I am just talking with your friend here"

His friend? Did Issei really think of Sun Wukong as a friend? Like, sure they were sort of like Rivals in a way. But he didn't think that they would ever be friends, he was only human while Wukong was a Demon who could go up against even the strongest beings in the universe.

Issei: "my friend?"

Sun Wukong stood up from the table and walked over, wrapping his arm around the brown-haired boy's neck and smiling at him.

Sun Wukong: "Yep! Were very close friends, right buddy?"

Issei: "Um..."

Suddenly, Sun Wukong used telepathy and spoke to Issei within his mind.

Sun Wukong: 'Just go with it and plus we became friends after our fight remember?'

Issei: 'okay, that's new! When the hell were you gonna ex-oh yeah, your Sun Wukong. You make cartoon powers look real'

Sun Wukong: 'Exactly'

Issei smiled slightly.

Issei: "Yeah, this is my new friend mom"

Miki smiled as she looked at the Monkey Demon.

Miki: "It's very nice to meet you, um..."

Sun Wukong: "Oh, my name is Jin. Jin Mori, it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Hyoudou"

This caused the brown-haired woman to smile back at Jin Mori, she was glad that her son was actually getting new friends and not sticking with those two perverted idiots that he used to hang out with. She swears the number of times she would see those three do something stupid, made her wanna slap the shit out of the trio.

Miki: "Well, I'm gonna get make some breakfast would you like some Mori?"

Sun Wukong: "I would love to. Thank you, ma'am"

Miki nodded as she made her way to the kitchen to make some breakfast for all three of them, as soon as she was out of sight Sun Wukong turned to Issei...only to lose all of his colors as he saw the cold expression of the boys face, both of his eyes glowing with a menacing purple aura.

only to lose all of his colors as he saw the cold expression of the boys face, both of his eyes glowing with a menacing purple aura

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