(S2) Chapter 23: Coma no More

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Third Person POV

[You discovered 'Item: Demon Monarch's Ring']

[You discovered 'Item: Demon King's Longsword']

[You discovered 'Item: Demon King's Dagger']

[You have found two 'Item: Baran's Horn']

[You have found 'Material Item: Purified Blood of the Demon King']

A small smile spread across Issei's face.

Issei: "Finally..."

Seated on the ground, his attire torn from the fierce battle with Baran, Issei gazed up at the sky, now transformed by the defeat of the Demon Monarch. The once ominous sky had transitioned into a familiar expanse of clear blue that seemed to stretch endlessly.

As he rested, his soldiers diligently gathered valuable resources and eliminated any remaining demonic entities summoned by Baran. Reflecting on the encounter, Issei felt a sense of relief that he had made adequate preparations before returning to the Demon Castle. Without such foresight, he doubted his ability to confront Baran effectively.

Even with his prior arrangements, Issei found himself unable to vanquish Baran effortlessly. It was only with Ddraig's unexpected intervention that Issei seized the opportunity to strike. While the victory did not feel entirely satisfying, Issei was grateful that the ordeal had finally concluded.

Issei: "Man, that battle was intense..."

Issei turned to Ddraig, whose countenance hovered beside the young man following his return to Issei's shadow.

Issei: "Thank you once more, Ddraig. I doubt I could have faced that fiend alone..."

Ddraig shook his head in disagreement.

Ddraig: "You possess the strength to overcome Baran without my aid, my Liege"

Issei chuckled softly.

Issei: "I find that hard to believe, but I appreciate your kind words..."

Ddraig: "Of course, my Liege. I stand ready to support you always"

Although Issei acknowledged Ddraig's loyalty, he sensed that there was more to their relationship than he understood. Overhearing the brief exchange between Ddraig and Baran, where the Demon referred to Ddraig as a traitor, sparked numerous questions within Issei. Their shared history and the events that led to Ddraig being labeled a 'Traitor' by the demons intrigued Issei, leaving him pondering the mysteries surrounding their connection.

What transpired between the two?

Issei pondered the depth of those two relationship and the secrets that Ddraig could be holding. This adding another problem to the list of challenges Issei would need to unravel, further complicating his already tumultuous journey. It felt as though each day presented a new obstacle for Issei to confront, akin to the trials faced by a beleaguered anime protagonist.

He silently sighed to himself.

Issei: 'I'll worry about that at a later date, for now...'

Issei looked down at his hand, next to where the Ring of Loki was located was the Demon Monarch's Ring.

Issei: 'With the Demon Monarch's Ring, the set effects will be active now'

A screen appeared before him, showing the stats of the ring.

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