Chapter Six ~ Tajana's Plan ~ Part II

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After breakfast, the two of them visited the Bookkeeper. Tenebrous had never really liked Chadwick, so when he showed up asking for a new Spectrum waistcoat, he wasn't surprised when the Bookkeeper glared at him.

'Oh, and my Protégé needs a new Initium Spectrum waistcoat too,' Chadwick added. 'You might as well get it ready for her.'

'And how is it that all three Spectrums lost their vests in the same night?' When Tenebrous frowned, his lips drooped like a bulldog's.

'You'll have to ask the Code Breaker,' Chadwick said, and Tajana shushed him with a jab at his ribs. He dodged before she could touch his bruises.

'You had best watch what you say, MacNamara.' Tenebrous glared. 'The wrong people hear you talking, and before you know it, you'll be in over your head.' He glared at Chadwick, and then turned to Tajana. 'Come back after lunch and I'll have your vests ready,' he told her.

'I won't be needing one, Tenebrous,' Tajana said quickly. 'Thanks, though.'

Tenebrous furrowed his bushy eyebrows at Tajana. 'You're planning to leave the halls?' It wasn't quite a question.

Tajana hesitated and then nodded. 'I want to become a Component Cultivator.'

Tenebrous gave Tajana a scrutinizing look. 'You'll do well at that,' he said.

'The least you could do is try to talk her out of it,' Chadwick said as he grabbed Tajana and started pulling her away. 'I don't trust him,' he said under his breath once they were out of earshot. 'And I think he shouldn't know where you're going.'

'Oh, come now,' Tajana challenged. 'Tenebrous is the Keeper's Bookkeeper. He's one of the most trustworthy Alchemists in the halls.'

'Yeah, right,' Chadwick said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. 'Didn't you see how he reacted when I said that about the Breaker? It's obvious he's pissed that I said that.'

'Probably because the Keeper is trying to keep it a secret.'

'No, it's because the Magisters are trying to keep it a secret, because they're all conspiring against the Keeper.'

'You are so paranoid,' Tajana said, and Chadwick scoffed. 'Come on, let's just go catch up with Thea and Fiona,' Tajana suggested.

So the two of them headed down the White Wards to Thea's flat. They passed by several Constables who stood at attention along the hallways the way the Keeper's Animarum used to. But it was so much different now, without the White Cloaks guarding the halls. Now instead they had all these Alchemists in gold with their Illusion Conversions concealing their faces. And they all held their various weapons at the ready, giving Chadwick the terrifying impression that they would attack them at any given moment.

Holy Formosus, he hoped it was all just a product of his overactive imagination. But he just couldn't shake the thought that they were on the eve of battle here, and Chadwick and Tajana were only helpless Chemists. What could they possibly do to protect themselves?

They reached the flat, and Chadwick was about to knock when the door opened. 'Come in,' Fiona whispered, and Chadwick and Tajana went through the door. Fiona immediately shut the door and Converted that same red Protection Conversion again. He couldn't be imagining things when Thea's mum was acting this way, as well. They were in so much danger, he could taste it, like bile at the back of his throat.

Thea was sleeping on the couch.

'She alright?' Chadwick whispered, genuinely concerned.

Fiona shook her head and spoke softly. 'She's on the mend, but this has been rough on her, that's for sure. Her Kundalini Syndrome would be enough to deal with, but on top of that, she feels guilty about her father, and she's anxious knowing the Breaker is free. Then she seems rather upset at the Keeper too, though she won't explain why. She barely slept last night, so I gave her a stultify stone and put her to bed.'

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