Chapter Ten ~ The Trinitas Legend ~ Part II

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Chadwick took the longest shower of his life. He enjoyed the fact that he didn't have to go anywhere, do anything, or finish up in a timely fashion so someone else could shower. He especially relished the fact that the shower was private. For the past six months, Chadwick had used the community showers at Blackthorn and Burtree to get ready every day. Living in this flat with the Prestens was nice for at least one reason: they didn't have to share a shower with anyone.

It had surely been too long since his last shower, and he took his sweet time washing away the grime and grief of the awful day he'd spent at the Shadow Mansion kidnapped by the Code Breaker's Alchemists.

Chadwick had always been one to primp in front of the mirror, but for some reason, today he didn't feel like fussing with his hair. He stood in front of the mirror and ran his hands through his black hair, smoothed it back, and decided to let it dry slicked back. He was surprised at how much he looked like his dad with his hair out of his face. Even though his father's hair was dark blond and Chadwick's was black. Then a startling thought struck him. With his hair pushed back from his forehead like this, his hair looked an awful lot like the Code Breaker's. Chadwick shuddered and messed his hair up.

Clean and dressed, Chadwick left the steaming bathroom and flopped down on the couch. Fiona was sitting in her chair reading from a big thick book. He was paying so little attention, he almost missed the fact that she had tears streaming down her face. Then he decided to pretend he didn't notice so that she wouldn't feel embarrassed. So as she casually reached up and swiped tears off her cheeks, Chadwick closed his eyes and yawned, pretending to take a nap.

 So as she casually reached up and swiped tears off her cheeks, Chadwick closed his eyes and yawned, pretending to take a nap

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The next thing he knew, someone was shaking him awake. He opened his eyes and stared up at Thea. She handed Stella to him and shoved his legs off the couch so she could sit down. Chadwick forced a smile and shifted in his seat. 'What's up?'

'You were asleep all afternoon. It's almost time for dinner.'

Chadwick sighed heavily. That meant it was almost time for Tajana to leave. He was slowly coming to terms with the fact that she was leaving, but even though he really understood now, he still didn't have to be happy about it. He yawned, feeling sorry for himself.

Stella flapped her miniature wings at him, and he perked up a bit. She was so tiny he could hold her up on the tip of his pointer finger. With a little chuckle, he blew at her like she was a pin-wheel, and she held onto his fingernail with her claws. Her wings fluttered wildly, but she held on with all her might.

Chadwick laughed through his nose as she sent him a little burst of joy. It was like a game to her, so he blew on her again, a little harder this time. Stella's antenna shivered with glee as her wings shuddered in the man-made breeze.

'She's so playful. C.C.'s already complaining about how much energy she has and how she always wants to play chase or hide and seek. It was like babysitting a toddler while you were asleep.' Thea laughed.

'Your noctos can communicate with you already?' Chadwick asked, eyeing Thea quizzically.

Thea nodded.

'How long have you had her?'

'Four ... wait, five days now.'

'That seems awful fast. Did you do anything special to get her to mature so quickly?' Chadwick leaned in, obviously interested.

Thea blushed and shrugged. 'It felt really sudden to me. One moment all I could sense from her was her emotions, and the next, she was using words. It was ... amazing really.'

Chadwick grunted in response.

Suddenly, Stella fluttered off Chadwick's finger and flew toward the door. A moment later, there came a knock. 'Three guesses who that is,' Chadwick said sarcastically as Thea opened the door to let Tajana in.

Stella flew straight to Tajana and alighted on her ponytail. 'Oh, hello Stella,' Tajana said with a little smile. She set down her bulging backpack and sat in the chair across from Chadwick.

'All packed up?' Chadwick asked her. He forced a smile and tried not to show how melancholy he was feeling.

Tajana nodded wordlessly.

'Where are you going to go?' Thea asked as she sat down, and Chadwick realised she didn't know about Tajana's Trial.

But rather than tell her about the Trial, Tajana only told Thea that she wanted to go work with her Mentor, who was a Component Cultivator living in America. Chadwick felt uncomfortable with the lie, but he didn't say anything.

'That's where I'm from,' Thea said.

'Oh really?' Tajana asked. 'Where in America?'

'South Dakota,' Thea said with a wistful smile. 'I miss my parents' ranch.' She looked up as Fiona came into the room. 'Tell them how great it was on the ranch, Momma!' she demanded, and everyone turned to look at Fiona.

'Oh, it wasn't all that spectacular. Just a little blip in the middle of nowhere,' Fiona insisted, and everyone laughed.

'Well, I thought it was great,' Thea said.

'Savannah lives in Colorado, so maybe I'll check out this great little ranch of yours sometime,' Tajana said.

'How will we keep in touch?' Thea mumbled with tears in her eyes.

'Stella will help,' Tajana said, holding her hand up by her ear, and the tiny Chimaera flew onto Tajana's finger. 'Once she learns to communicate with words, we'll be able to send messages between us.'

'You mean I'll have to ask Chadwick if I want to talk to you?' Thea pouted, and Chadwick couldn't help but scoff at her. Fiona and Tajana both laughed at the two of them.

'When will you come back?' Thea asked.

Tajana bit her lip. 'I can visit around the holidays.'

'But you can't ever come back?' Thea asked, her lip quivering.

Tajana pressed her lips together and shook her head silently.

'Why do you have to leave, Tajana?' Thea finally asked, wiping tears off her face.

Tajana gave Chadwick a glance and then said, 'It's hard to explain, but just know that I wouldn't leave if it wasn't important. I'm going to miss you.'

'I'm going to miss you too,' Thea said; she jumped up to hug Tajana. The two held each other for a long teary moment, while Fiona and Chadwick sat and watched silently. The sight made Chadwick feel strangely on edge. When the hug finally ended, he hung his head so that he didn't need to look at Tajana.

'Well, shall we go grab a bite to eat?' Fiona suggested, and everyone filed out of the flat.

'Well, shall we go grab a bite to eat?' Fiona suggested, and everyone filed out of the flat

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