Chapter Forty-Two ~ Natural Meditation ~ Part II

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Chadwick and Thea proceeded to replenish their Chakras and meditate together. Thea was a patient guide, always willing to remind him of what to focus on, no matter how many times his mind began to wander. It was always hard for him to meditate, but it was even harder than normal for him to focus, since he couldn't feel his Chakras. Thea would not give up on him, though, and after what felt like hours, she finally said, 'That's enough for now. You are doing much better. Half full in some Chakras. Your Crown Chakra is wavering near empty, though, so be careful not to overdo it.'

'Thank you so much, Al,' Chadwick said, feeling relieved to hear that he had managed to accomplish something. It was good to know that he hadn't been playing make believe for the past hour, though that was what it had felt like, if he was being completely honest. Like he was a Recreant pretending to be an Alchemist. Playing at meditation in a yoga class.

'You're very welcome, Chadwick,' Thea replied with a gentle smile.

Stella piped up in Chadwick's mind then: Pax is coming 'round, I think. He's actually more mad at you than Thea, which makes sense, considering you're the one who took control of him with that Conversion. I can't imagine anyone would enjoy being forced to do something like that!

Chadwick tried to imagine what it would be like for an Alchemist to take control of him like that, and he shuddered when he realised that Magister Alder had done just that to him a few days ago. It was even worse when he realised that someone could do that to him again, what with his Kundalini deposed as it was now. The thought almost sent him into a panic.

You will want to give him some more space, Stella added. But maybe Thea could try and see if he lets her get close. He's still afraid of Thea, because all that dark Energy really spooked him, but it's worth trying.

Thanks for the heads up, Chadwick replied. Then aloud he said, 'Stella says Pax is still pretty terrified of you, and he's mad as hell at me, but he's starting to come 'round. You might want to try approaching him and see if you can build a bridge now.'

Thea nodded and turned toward the dark corners of the cave. She stood near the edge of the light Conversion that was casting it's soft glow about the cave. She held her hands out, as still as a statue for so long, Chadwick couldn't help but stare at her. Finally, she took a halting step, and then another, and she disappeared into the blackness.

Chadwick almost stood to go after her, but he reminded himself that Pax was hiding from him. He'd only make things worse if he tried to help. So he silently ran his hand down Stella's fluffy back. Stella started purring immediately, her eyes on the shadows in the back of the cave.

Chadwick closed his eyes and glimpsed the cave through Stella's nocturnal sight. What he saw made him smile. Thea was kneeling down on the cave floor, her hand stretched out to Pax, who was as still as a stuffed animal, his body slinking low to the ground, his wings half unfurled as if ready to bolt.

Finally, as Thea continued to show incredible patience, Pax stretched out until his nose touched Thea's hand. Then his tail started to sway, and his wings folded back. Thea patted Pax on the head, and he rubbed his face against her hand, not unlike a common housecat.

Finally, Thea scooped Pax up into her arms and came back into the light.

'Well done, doll,' Chadwick softly told her. 'I knew he'd come 'round eventually, but that was brilliant!'

'I'm so relieved.' Thea hugged him. Then she wobbled on her feet, and she sank down to the cave floor before she fell over. 'But wow, I could use some sleep,' she confessed.

'I'll sit up, so you can rest a bit,' Chadwick said.

'Are you sure you don't mind?' Thea asked, all proper manners.

'It's only fair.' Chadwick flashed a tired smile. 'Can I borrow your Endless Ink Quill?'

'Sure.' Thea pulled out the pen and handed it over. 'Can you make more liquid fire for Stella? I'm freezing.'

'Let's make a deal. You hit me with another calm Conversion, and I'll make the liquid fire.'

'Deal,' Thea said, and she touched his shoulders and said, 'Stay calm!' Her Kundalini danced around his head, and he knew he wouldn't be panicking any time soon.

'Ta!' Chadwick said, pulling out his book of matches. He struck a match, spoke the Words, and began to feed drops of liquid fire to Stella, who purred contentedly as she started to warm up. They went through three matches. Chadwick counted five matches left in his supply before he replaced the matchbox to its pocket. Finally, he used the Augmentation Conversion to enlarge her quite a bit.

'Oh, thank you,' Thea breathed as she curled up beside Stella, who was now the size of a lion.

'Good night,' Chadwick said with a grin.

'Night,' Thea mumbled as she hugged Pax tight.

What are you going to do? Stella asked him.

I need to give myself some Conversion Circle temporary tattoos. I need an Augmentation and Reduction Insignia and a Transmutation Fortification Circle. Then he bit his lip as he stared at his right wrist where Stella liked to hang out when she was tiny. I don't suppose I could convince you to switch wrists?

Why? Stella gave him a lizardly smile.

I'm right handed. Not sure I can draw these Circles well enough on my right wrist.

Please try, Stella replied. I favour your right wrist. Maybe I'm right-clawed.

Fine. I'll try. Give me your eye over here, so I can see.

Of course, Stella replied, and she focused on him.

Chadwick settled into his shared sight with Stella and began his work. He took his time, painstakingly drawing both Conversion Circles on his right wrist with his non-dominant hand: the Augmentation Sigil on the top of his wrist and the Fortification Circle on the inside of his wrist. Even with frequent breaks, his left hand ached by the time he finished.

He searched his left hand for a good place to put the Reduction Conversion Circle. He was only a Chandler, and he was already running out of room on his hands. Finally, he managed to find a spot on the heel of his left palm where he could draw a Reduction Sigil. He easily penned the Circle on his hand.

Chadwick? Stella asked.


What about the Transversion Conversion?

What about it? Chadwick asked, his mental tone as cold as the snow outside the mouth of the cave.

Wouldn't it be wise to...

Why? Chadwick asked before she could even finish her thought. We're not going to be doing any Transverting, and Thea already has that Sigil.

I understand why you're afraid. You almost died. But that was before I could properly communicate with you. That was before I understood what the Conversion did. I'd never do a thing like that again. You have to believe me.

It's not that I don't believe you, Chadwick said, realising that it was the honest-to-Heaven truth. It's just that I...

You just what? Stella asked with a playful mental tone.

I just don't want to, Chadwick confessed. Fine. You win. I'll do it. With a heavy sigh, Chadwick switched back to his non-dominant hand and slowly, painfully, he drew the unfamiliar new Sigil on the inside of his right wrist, right below the Augmentation Conversion Circle. It had been so long since he'd seen the Insignia, and he'd barely really studied it in the first place, and without his glasses, the Insignia had been a blur, so he wasn't absolutely sure he could draw the inner Symbol on the Insignia.

But that was just as well, he reasoned, since he wasn't going to be using it anyway. Not if he could help it.

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