Chapter Twenty-One ~ Charlie ~ Part II

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Charlie and Chadwick quickly put their heads together and hashed out a plan for how they might determine the identity of the Code Breaker's Shadow Spies. After exhausting all their ideas, they decided they needed to figure out the identities of all the Chemists who were going around calling Chadwick B.B.

Chadwick was sure that Gregory Dods had something to do with it all, whether he was their leader or just a grunt of the group. They needed to start following him and watching what he did in the Roots and in between lessons. Anything more than that and they could be suspended for rumourmongering. Both Chadwick and Charlie agreed that no information would be worth getting suspended over.

'I've got to be heading back,' Chadwick said finally. 'But before I go, I could use a favour.'

'What a surprise,' Charlie said. 'What is it this time?'

'This time it's serious. I need some Sacred Datura.'

Charlie put his hand over a medium sized pocket near his opposite elbow. Chadwick knew Charlie coveted his stash of Sacred Datura. Since he Focused on the Cerulean Fragment, he used the expensive Component every day. And just like Chadwick, Charlie's parents were not necessarily well off.

But Chadwick needed the Component. 'You know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't serious,' Chadwick pressed on Charlie's shoulder. 'I've got to contact my parents about something phenomenally important.'

'Like what?' Charlie asked, genuinely interested.

'Can't say,' Chadwick said with a shrug.

'What'll you give me for it?' Charlie asked, instead of pressing for more information.

'I'm pretty sure you owe me,' Chadwick said.

'Last I can remember, we were even.'

'How do you figure?' Chadwick challenged playfully, trying to lighten the mood. He was not necessarily feeling up for negotiating with his best mate. But he had to admit he wasn't surprised. It was actually a good sign that Charlie was already haggling over compensation. It meant he had already decided to exchange the Component for something that he wanted.

'Who got Ingrid Shara to notice you?' Charlie put his arm over Chadwick's shoulder.

'And who repaid that favour by coming out after a long day of lessons to be your wingman? I believe that little good deed ended with a snogging session with Tara Sigurd, if I remember right.'

Charlie smiled bashfully. 'Two sessions, actually. But I haven't seen her in nearly a week now.'

'So what? Are you going to make me set you two up again, over a measly pinch of Sacred Datura?'

'All you want is a pinch?' Charlie made a sceptical face.

'For now, that's all I need.'

'But if I know you, you'll be begging for more before the day's over.'

'Well, then I'll do you that favour for the next pinch. Later, when I've the time. I'm begging you, Charlie. I wish I could explain, but all I can say is that I need to contact my parents now, and you're the only one who can help me out.'

'Alright already; don't go twisting my arm.' Charlie pulled a bag out of one of his side pockets. He tugged on the drawstrings and pinched a small amount of Sacred Datura.

'That's barely enough for five minutes.'

'That's your hopping pot; it's worth a tenner, so quit your complaining and take it.' Charlie slipped the expensive Component into an empty pocket on Chadwick's waistcoat. 'Why's your waistcoat so low on 'Ponents, anyway?'

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