Chapter Eight ~ A Natural Guru ~ Part II

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'Repeat this Mantra for the day: I allow love to fill me up and guide me in all of my actions,' Tajana said.

'I allow love to fill me up and guide me in all of my actions,' he repeated in a soft voice.

'I listen to my heart and honour its connection to the hearts of others.'

'I listen to my heart and honour its connection to the hearts of others,' he said, rather meekly. He'd only ever spoken a Mantra aloud during private meditation lessons; it made him feel as if Tajana had become his private Guru.

'Namaste,' Tajana said.

'Namaste,' Chadwick replied with hands at heart centre.

'Better?' Tajana asked.

Chadwick exhaled in a soft burst and nodded. 'Actually, yes. Much better.'

'Good.' Tajana smiled shyly. 'We are connected, now,' she said as she touched his shoulder with one hand and touched Stella with the other. 'We both have to be careful to never let our hearts fill with anger toward each other, and to only have love for one another now.'

Chadwick felt his ears go hot, and he cleared his throat and tried to clear his mind of the embarrassing thoughts that sprang to mind.

Tajana reached out and handed Stella back to him just like that. The Chimaera thrummed happily at Chadwick and rubbed her nose against his knuckles. He was completely at peace; every ounce of anger he'd felt before was simply gone now.

'Blimey, Tajana, you're a natural Guru, you know that?'

She blushed, looking down at the bed. 'You know, my foster father is a Guru working for the Giver in Verdandi.'

'I didn't know that.' Chadwick inhaled slowly and felt his heart fill up with love for Tajana, and then he finally nodded. 'Is that where you're really going? Verdandi?'

Tajana silently shook her head, her eyes suddenly filled with tears. For a moment she couldn't speak. But finally she said, 'I have to go find my Mentor ... because ...' She put her hand over her mouth. 'Because I have to save her,' she whispered.

'What?' Chadwick's eyes went big.

'The Keeper is sending me on my Solo Trial to save my Mentor,' Tajana whispered.

'What?' he said again. Then he realised he'd been so upset at her for deciding to leave Blackthorn, when it wasn't her choice to go. 'Why didn't you say so in the first place?'

She glanced up at him. 'You know it's prohibited to talk about your Trial before it's over. It could change the future and ruin the path you're destined to walk down. Besides, I didn't want you to worry, I guess.' She looked back down at her hands. 'It was better if you were just mad at me.'

Now that she'd said that, Chadwick realised just how mean he'd been to her. But now he wasn't mad; he was worried. A tingle of panic travelled up his spine. 'You have to go save your Mentor? Do you know from what?'

She shook her head and blinked tears out of her eyes. 'I don't even know where she is.' She almost couldn't get the words out.

Chadwick shook his head. 'Holy Heaven,' he breathed. 'How are you going to do that all on your own?'

She held her hands up. 'I don't know.' Her voice broke and tears trailed down her cheeks.

Chadwick reached out and pulled her into a hug. She started sobbing, and Chadwick put his hand on her head and forced himself to breathe as he held her against him in a tight embrace. On Tajana's shoulder, Stella started vibrating as their emotions coursed through her tiny body.

This was enough to help Tajana reign her emotions in, and she stopped sobbing and breathed slowly.

'I know you'll figure it out,' he said with a gentle pat on her back. 'You're simply brilliant, you know.'

She huffed for air. 'How can you be so sure?' she asked in a small voice.

'You're the last person I'd expect to fail a Trial. Especially when your Mentor's life is at stake. You'll find her and you'll save her. If anyone can, it's you.' He pulled back and stared into her swimmy eyes. 'I just know it!' He took a big breath and exhaled. 'So, believe in yourself, alright?'

She nodded bashfully. 'I know I have to go, but I don't want to leave you here, what with everything that's happening. I'm going to worry myself to death,' she confessed.

'Don't say that,' Chadwick said, putting his hands on her shoulders and giving her a gentle shake. 'You won't be dying of worry, or anything else for that matter.'

'I'm going to worry myself into a frenzy, then!'

He gave her shoulders a squeeze. 'I'm going to miss you while you're away, but at least I understand now why you have to leave. Thank you for letting me know, even if it is taboo to discuss it. I'm glad you told me.'

Tajana nodded with a bashful smile. She reached to hold Chadwick's hands, where he was still holding her shoulders. 'You'll promise not to tell anyone about my Trial, won't you?'

'Of course I won't tell.' He squeezed her shoulders.

'Thank you, Chadwick,' she said with a sigh of relief, and she squeezed his hands.

'Anytime, love.'

He stared at her. She was so close, he could lean forward and kiss her just like that. He felt an overwhelming warmth wash over him, and suddenly he couldn't ignore the feel of her warm hands caressing his tingling hands, where he still held her shoulders. His stomach suddenly went tight, and his head swam with dizziness. He swallowed and almost leaned in for a kiss, but before he could, Tajana's hands jumped up. She quickly slid off the bed and backed up all the way to the door. Chadwick's stomach flipped as he realised that Tajana must have sensed his emotions, because they were connected; suddenly it felt very hard to breathe.

Stella looked from Tajana to Chadwick and back to Tajana, and then she flew through the air to Tajana with one big flap of her beautiful yellow wings. Tajana reached out to let Stella land on her shoulder. Then she opened the door and left the room.

Chadwick collapsed back against his bed and groaned.

Chadwick collapsed back against his bed and groaned

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