Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Life Savers ~ Part II

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Dear Thea,

Oh my Heavens! Thea, I'm so so sorry! Are you and Chadwick really alright? What about your mum and C.C? How will you know if they are alright? Do you and your mum have a way to contact each other? Sorry for all the questions!

I'm glad Chadwick's okay, but can you tell me what happened? I can't help but worry about him. He's always hurting himself. He's such a dunce, isn't he?

Thea, I know it's hard right now, but if you can keep calm and meditate you should be okay. You should probably go see a Guru. There should be someone in the dojo who can help you. Take care of yourself, okay? And please write back soon!!!



PS: Thank you for the nickname! I love it!

~ * ~

Dear Jana,

Chadwick and I are both perfectly alright now! I'm sorry if I made you worry! He had an accident with a Conversion during a lesson and nearly lost all his Spiritual Essence, but his tutor saved him, and after resting all day, he is nearly back to his normal self. It was scary at the time, but it won't happen again, and he seems to be doing just fine now.

I did go to the dojo to see a Guru. I met a positively wonderful new friend! Guru Amathaon is so smart and gentle. She is very kind, and she truly cares about helping me get better. She taught me how to meditate in a way that actually activates my Kundalini Energy. This makes it easier, because I engage my Spiritual Essence, rather than just sitting and trying to calm my unruly Energies down. It really works, because I'm actively doing something to make it better, and I don't have time for worrying about how I will possibly get myself under control, because I am so focused.

Guru Amathaon gave me my first Conversion Circle tattoo, an Energy Transversion Sigil. I can use it to pass my Energy on to someone else, because we discovered that my Chakras are unbalanced and overloaded when my Kundalini acts up! Yesterday I actually had too much Energy, while Chadwick didn't have nearly enough. Interesting, isn't it?

Anyway, I am going to bed. I hope you have a great day!

~Love Thea

~ * ~

Good morning Thea!

I am so relieved to hear that everything is okay. You both had me very worried. I am not telling you that to make you feel bad. I just want to be honest with you always. Dušan says that you had better not worry yourself over all the worrying you have caused me! Really, now that I know that all is well, I am not worried in the least! What a relief!

I promise to answer all your questions later. For now, I need to go meditate and then eat breakfast.



Hi again,

I guess you must still be asleep. I will try to answer some of your questions now. So I am officially in Nell's Squad, which has five people, counting me. We need seven Chemists before we become an official Squad. We have to wait, who knows how long, for our last two members. This is a bit of a bummer. But in a way, I'm glad to get a break. After all that's happened, I know I need it.

My Squad is really awesome! Kiyoshi is like a gentle giant. Nell has really made me feel welcome! Plus I really like Saia. She is nice and a very experienced fighter.

The only one who doesn't seem to get along so well with us is this guy named Lloyd. He is kind of a hot head. He reminds me of Chadwick in a lot of ways actually. Like how he is always trying to one-up people, and how he always needs to have things go his way.

Oh shoot! I have to go! Sorry! I hope I can write more again soon!

PS: Don't tell Chadwick what I said about him!

~ * ~

Chadwick re-read the last sentence. Then he looked up at Thea, and she realised what she had just done by letting him read Tajana's letter. Her mouth popped open and she said, 'Oh no! Don't tell her I let you read that! Oh no!' Then she put her face in her hands and groaned. 'You weren't supposed to read that last letter. I really messed that up. I'm so sorry.'

Chadwick was shocked to find himself smiling. 'Don't worry, Al.' He patted her on the shoulder. 'I won't tell.' He handed the notebook back, and when she took the book from him, he gave her a wink. 'It'll be our little secret.'

'Wow. Thank you,' Thea said, smiling bashfully. 'So, doesn't it all sound so fascinating?!'

Chadwick tried to nod, but he just couldn't. It was so disheartening to hear that Tajana had left behind her schooling at Blackthorn and Burtree. She had left them behind to join the Giver of all people. It stung almost like an old bee sting. 'I really can't say.'

Thea made a face and tilted her head in confusion.

'I mean, I was relieved to hear she was okay, and I was excited for her to come back, but she went to Verdandi instead.'

'Yeah, I was sad when I read that, too.' Thea frowned. 'It's too bad, isn't it?'

Chadwick nodded sadly. By then, they had reached the Keeper's Antechamber and turned down toward the doors to the Great Hall. The queue went quickly, and then they took a seat together for breakfast. 'Let's eat quickly. I want to go check out the domicile in the White Wards before our first lesson,' Thea said, keeping her voice down. 'See if my mom managed to get back and write a reply to my letter.'

Chadwick nodded, and they quickly murdered their muffins and pastries without a word, then they got up and left for the White Ward.

Chadwick nodded, and they quickly murdered their muffins and pastries without a word, then they got up and left for the White Ward

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