Chapter Nineteen ~ Waking Up ~ Part I

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A familiar rush of Energy washed over Chadwick. It was the exact feeling he had come to associate with the surge of bliss that always hit him as his Kundalini left his Crown Chakra to perform an Alchemy Conversion. This puzzled him, as he wasn't actively Converting. In fact, he couldn't remember what he was doing.

Chadwick felt himself floating in place. The experience reminded him of waking up to find that he had been kidnapped and brought to the Crystal Dimension by a Breaker's Shadow Alchemist.

He felt himself slowly float up, in a peaceful meandering sort of way. His surroundings began to brighten, until he saw that he was in the Aurulent Rotunda, amid quite the crowd of people. He immediately had an inkling that something wasn't quite right. Then it hit him.

Everyone appeared translucent and frozen in place.

And Chadwick floated slightly above the ground.

His suspicions confirmed, he recognised the bright crystalised transparency that meant he was in the fourth dimension. This made no sense to him whatsoever. The realisation immediately brought on a rush of panic. Without any clay to create a Dimension Gate, Chadwick didn't know how he'd get back to the third dimension. Despite his terror, Chadwick continued to peacefully float upward.

He looked up to see an immense bright light. It looked rather like a gigantic spherical Dimension Gate, only instead of a black sphere, this one pulsed with a bright white light. He nearly succumbed to the pull of the light. But then alarm bells rang in his brain. The Dimension Gates back to the third dimension always appeared as black spheres touching the ground. This pearly white Gate hung suspended up in the air. He would surely not like wherever this strange white light took him.

He needed to go back down toward the ground. He writhed in the air, shifting his gaze to the floor directly beneath him. Then he saw something that made him stop struggling and go completely still in utter shock.

His body lay sprawling on the floor beneath him, and right beside his body, his Protégé Thea knelt frozen in place with her hand reaching out about to touch his forehead.

Chadwick felt a whoosh, and with a sickening sensation, gravity suddenly seemed to resume its proper pull on him once more. He sank back down to the floor in a rush that made the world collapse in on him. And everything went black again.

 And everything went black again

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'Chadwick? ... Chadwick!?'

He groaned as a piercing pain sliced through his head. He tried to move, and found himself so weak he could barely stay awake. He lay painfully still, unable even to open his eyes.

'Let's get him to bed,' someone said, and Chadwick tried to nod. That was the best idea anyone had had all day.

Chadwick remained oblivious to the world for quite some time until finally, he woke again, and this time he had enough Energy to open his eyes.

'Chadwick!' Someone grabbed his hand.

He turned his head to see Thea at his bedside, biting her lip and looking incredibly worried. 'Al? What happened?'

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