Chapter 3

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I looked in the mirror and thought to myself "Am i really that pretty?.. hahaha no. no way! Everyone at that school must be blind"

I got up and walked out to say goodnight to my mum then went straight back to my room..

That moment after school kept playing through my mind as i lay down on my bed.

Thank god mums car came as everything got awkward. I remember walking back after that jerk rejected my help and everyone stared at me. I grabed Joon's hand and ran into the car so fast as if my life depended on it. but thank god mum didn't come any earlier. if she had seen baekhyun like that who knows what she could have done? I dont even want to know,  that would be my worse night mare.


When i woke up in the morning, i quickly got ready. It was kinda cold today, so i put my pink beanie on, not giving a shit about my appearance today.

I've already left a bad impression so why bother?

I quickly ate my food and got up. 

"Mum. Im walking to school today. Okay. Bye. I love you" i said super quickly and ran out the door.

I didnt want mum to drop me off because Baekhyun would proberly be there.. and i do not want my mum thinking that i have a boyfriend!!  

I know my mum, she would proberly turn into a fangirl and become our biggest fan! and she would stalk us and take photos! argh! i do not want that happening especially when Baekhyun is NOT my boyfriend..

anyways.. i have been walking for about 10 minites now.. and i realised.. i was. LOST! :( I started panacking, cause this place looked really scary.. i didnt know where i was or what to do! :(  

i curled up into a ball and sat in the middle of the footpath. 

I grabbed out my phone from my pocket and was about to call my mum, when i heard a loud noise from behind me.

I turned to see that it was a motorbike.. I got up quickly and stared as the owner of the bike got off. 

He slowly took off his helmet...

The wind blew perfectly on cue causing his hair to flow flawlessly and the reflection from the sun shon over him as if he was an angel that fell from heaven.

the sun reflecting of his face blinded me. I blinked a few times and finally got a full vision of who it was.

my eyes widen. it was that jerk.

I suddenly hear a dog bark from behind me. it sounded like thunder. I've had terrible experience with dogs so this caused me to run.

Without even thinking i ran to kyungsoo and wrapped my arms around him and started sulking in his chest. I was so scared i just needed comfort.

But I stop as I hear him laugh.

oh my god what am I doing!!!

i let go, turned away and started to speed walk.

"so embarrising, so embarrising" I whisper to myself as I power walk away.

I heard him start his engine and take off.. I started walking even faster cause i heard him behind me.. then eventually we were side by side.. Me walking as fast as i could and him slowly riding his bike.

He then tookover me and stoped the bike in my path.

"Move!" i wined.

"Get on."

"No way!"

"Your lost. and you obviously love my attention, so get on! i'll take you to school" he smirked.

I tried to get past but his stupid bike was blocking me!!

"Yah Move!!" i yelled.

There is no way I would ever get on that stupid bike with him. nup, no way!

"Fine.." he turned the bike and took off..

after a few seconds he was gone..

I heard scary noises from behind me causing me to walk faster.. i reached the top of the road and looked down. He was there on the side of the road..

"Jerk." i wispered to myself.

"Woof woof woof!" i heard a dog barking, it scared the shits out of me!!

"Aaaah!!" i screamed and ran to Kyungsoo and jumped on his bike..

"Go go go! theres a dog!" i cried.

"Aww youre scared of dogs?" he teased

"Yes i am so go go gooo!!" i wined, tears almost falling from my eyes

Kyungsoo took off his helmet, turned, and put it on my head.  

I blinked as he turned back around. within seconds we took off..  

It wasnt long before we stoped at a red light..

He was laughing..

"What!!" i yelled.

"Nothing.." he smirked

"Fine.. i'll get off then" i muttered

Just as I was about to take off his helmet I was stopped as he took my arms and wrapped them around his waist.

"What are you doing! yah.." i questioned furiously

Then suddenly, green light and we were off! we were going so fast that i couldnt even see the things we were passing.. I was getting kind of scared so i held onto him tightly.

Then nek minit. were at school. I didnt even notice.. 

i was still holding onto him so tightly.. it was so tight that i could feel his hard abs through his shirt...

"I.. i cant breathe..." Kyungsoo struggled to say..

I snapped out of whatever world I was in and shooked my hands off. wae you do that for hayeon oh my god D:

i got off his bike and started speed walking away.. noticeing that everyone was looking at me and they had seen me holding onto Kyungsoo tightly.

"Yah!" he yelled "My helmet!"

i stopped. His helmet was still on my head. i walked back awkwardly and stood infront of him. 

He took it off from my head then smiled at me. And slowly his head came down closer to mine.. it was like he was about to kiss me.. Eww!

i glared at him and turned around..

"What? i dont even get a thankyou?" he smirked

"Pabo.." i said and walked away..









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