Chapter 5

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"Let me take you to the mall today" Baekhyun said in a cute voice

"i cant.. i have to pick up my brother then catch the bus home with him" i said as an excuse..

"He can come then"

"How? you only have a motorbike, which cant hold both of us" i thought that that would be the perfect excuse for him to say no but then..

"Then Chanyeol will come too! Your brother can ride with Chanyeol, and you can ride with me" he announced so happily while doing a '^_^' face.

"okaay then..." I give in.

i actually didnt want to go at all... but Chanyeol was going to be there! so i thought 'Meh, why not?'


We walked over to pick Joon up from his area, then walked over to the parking lot.

Chanyeol was sitting on his bike with his head down on the handle bars.. Are you serious?! he even sleeps on his bike! ?

"Ah, Baekhyun.. I dont think its safe for my brother to ride with Chanyeol..." i stated

"and whys that sweetie?" he replied

"he could fall asleep any second while riding!" i answered

"no its perfectly safe"

"No. i cant and wont let anything happen to my brother..... i think. i think i should ride with Chanyeol instead"

"No! Ride with meee!!" he yelled.

"i would ride with you.. but its for my brothers saftey, pleeeaaaseeeee, just this once" i said acting a little cute..

"ah! okay fine!, but on the way back your rideing with me!"

"Deal" i winked at him.

"and no holding onto him tightly! your arms are reserved for me!" he chuckled.


Chanyeol handed me his spare helmet.. so i put it on and awkwardly sat behind him.. i held onto the back of the seat and he took off.

for some reason, my cheeks were burning up!

'Cheeks! what are you doing!? why you burning up for!?' i thought to my self..

i then looked at the side mirror of the bike and saw that my cheeks were pinkish red!

Am i blushing? oh god i am! Blushing because of Chanyeol!!

I slapped myself in the face, so that i would stop blushing..

But it just made my cheeks get even redder.


We arrived at the mall, and Baekhyun and Chanyeol parked their bikes side by side.

"Finally, were here! lets go get some food, im starving!" Baekhyun announced while he reached out his hand to grab mine..


When we arrived at the eatery, Joon and i sat down at a table while Baek and Chanyeol went to get some food.

"Noona, is Baekhyun Hyung your boyfriend?" Joon asked

"No." i stated.

"is Chanyeol Hyung your boyfriend?"

"No!" i shook my head

"Then is that guy behind you your boyfriend?"

"Huh?" i turned around and looked.. No one was there???

"Joon what are you on about....." when suddenly


i screamed! because that 'Boo' obviously scared me

i looked next to me and it was Kyungsoo!

"YAH!!!!" i yelled! Then i hit him on his back

"So is this the thankyou i get for helping you out?" he smirked

"Go away, go away, Go away!" i said while dramaticly hitting his shoulders.

he looked at me and did a '^_^' face.

"What do you want?" i muttered at him

"What do you want?"

"Nothing!" i shouted

"Nothing!" he replied

"Are you copying me!?" i asked in an annoyed voice

"Are you copying me!?"

"Yahh!!" i screamed cause he copied me again

"Hey, calm down. no need to get angry" he laughed

i turned around to face away from him and crossed my arms together.

"Awww is someone angry?" he teased

"Im not angry" i mumbled

"Yes you are"

"NO IM NOT!!" I yelled!

"Yep. your angry" he laughed and Joon laughed along with him..

My hands turned into a fist and i was about to punch him straight in the face! but then...

"Mum!" i heared Joon say

"Mum?" i questioned

i looked back. OH NO! It was my mum and she was looking straight at us.

Her eyes turned really big and they started sparkling.. Sparkling? is that normal?

but then it got to me.. I was sitting next to a boy! and not just any boy. it was the jerk, Kyungsoo!

I facepalmed myself. and melted down in embarresment.. Why? because i could tell by the way she was looking at us, I knew instantly that my mum shipped us both together.. and i knew that she was going to start her fangirling faze over us both..

Out of all the guys in the world, why him!!?


"Joon lets go!" i grabbed his hands and ran to my mum.. then onced we reached her, i pushed her out the door of the mall..

"Lets go home mum!" i spotted the car and headed towards it.

"Who was that?" she winked at me..

"No one" i stated very clearly.

"Boyfriend??" she did this whole 'cute' thing.

"Noo!..." i shouted

she then looked at me giveing me a death stare which was actually kind of scary...

"Hmmmmm" she evilishly smirked.

i wanted to cry! Who knows what crazy things my mum will do now!?

This is just horrible! great just great.

I know for sure that my mum will do crazy things between Kyungsoo and I.

Why did it have to be Kyungsoo? If only that was Chanyeol sitting next to me at the time! Then things would be so much better and i would actually like what ever it is my mum will be doing..

Why Kyungso? Why was it him!?





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