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The piano played in the background and the screen was all white before slowly clouds started to separate and the scene changed to the beach shore. The sea waves hit the shore and one can hear the peaceful sound of waves and birds in the distance. The violin sound beautifully played along with Piano and then the title of the show displayed

                          "Love Craft"

On the screen, a message appears, "Blooming romance once again but this time it's all about same gender…"

The linked heart displayed on the screen before the advertisement was over. The production team watches the ad with satisfaction and congratulates each other.

"Will this year's theme catch viewer attention?" One of the staff asked in worry as he looked between their previous hetero theme and current Homo theme.

"Opposite sex shows are all around plus it's getting boring to see men and women flirting around…. Public needs something new.. Something fresh.." One of the marketing team spoke with enthusiasm.

"Alright, alright, we already agreed to the theme and all details! So no turning back! We need to focus on making the show hit instead.." The director said loudly, the show was funded by a famous mafia family because the oldest son of the family was a huge fan of the show.

The show was directed by a gay couple, Sig and Jaonan. They were new to the show but had experience working in the entertainment industry. The set was ready, the script for the show was ready, location and funds were ready too. Now they only needed Participants and hosts.

"Let's find host first so we can at least start the shooting" Jaonan suggested as he go through different applications.

"Sir! How about we hire a famous bl pair? That will make the show an instant hit.." The marketing team suggested as they handed them files of famous couples.

Sig and Jaonan shared a look and then rejected the idea, "We want to make show hit but not by clickbaiting, viewers would be more interested in the host instead of the participants then" Jaonan said thoughtfully

“But sir isn’t it good?” Marketing department asked in curiosity

“No! No! The show's main focus is our participants, not our hosts…” Sig replies as he stares at different role suggestions

"Then how about more of a comical pair? Plus we can change the hosts every couple of months to make things more interesting?” The script department said excitedly, Jaonon thought for a while and nodded in excitement.

“That’s perfect! Now about participants….” Sig spoke and looked forward to the casting group. The leader of the group grins wickedly and then clears his throat, “Sir Team B is ready but we need one more person in Team A…”

“Hm… we plan to go with 6 pairs so…” Sig said thoughtfully as he thought about who to approach when his husband interrupted him, “Just add our son, anyway he’s fine with a girl or boy. At least I don’t have stress about him playing around..”

“Not bad…not bad..” Sig said amusement as he looked at his husband.

Everything was set, the host was also selected and they were about to shoot their second ad with details of the show when the marketing team received a call from the production house.

They turned pale after hearing their producer's request and couldn’t say no as they knew that it wasn't a good idea to say no to Theerapanyakul family. They wipe their sweat and approach Sig and Jaonon in panic

“Sir! Sir! There’s an issue…” The casting department was there with Sig and Jaonon and they all looked at the team leader in confusion, “Sir… Mr Theerapanyakul requested to have his cousin participate in the show…”

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