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Tul was bored, it's been an hour since he came to the mansion where they were supposed to gather and so far he was the only one there. He explored the whole mansion and was about to return to one of the rooms that he chose when he heard a commotion downstairs.

"What the fuck?! This place is freaking small!" Tankhun complained as he looked around the house in disappointment

"Khun behave! We were already told about this.." Vegas reminds Tankhun who pouts and complains instead, "You're fine with this mosquito size house?"

"Khun, it's not even that small… Please behave.. Soon there will be cameras all around.." Pete reminded Tankhun while Tem looked at them with blank faces.

Exclusive interview with Tem, "This mansion is Mosquito size?! Are they living at the airport?!"

"We can manage…" Vegas whispered as he sat on the couch and looked around

"Oh My god! I can't breathe…" Tankhun said dramatically as he fan himself

"It's really not that bad.." Pete whispered as he sat next to Vegas while watching Tankhun

"I might faint.." Tankhun said while tearing up

Again exclusive interview with Tem, "What the hell? Are they some Princes or something?! This Tankhun guy is more dramatic than my grandma who screams about her specs being missing though she's wearing them"

Exclusive interview with Vegas,  "I didn't want him here, not at all… Now I will be tortured by this lunatic.."

Exclusive interview with Pete, "Khun is new to this all… Will he adjust?" smiles awkwardly and looked doubtful

Meanwhile, someone from upstairs watches the whole drama with a smirk and then walks down.

Exclusive interview with Tul, "This seems to be interesting…. Wonder if this Tankhun guy can be useful?" Tul smirks wickedly and then winks at the camera.

Tul at first thought about going down and introducing himself but then he stopped and decided it better to observe the new arrivals. He stares at others in curiosity who seem to be less Chaotic than Tankhun.

"Khun, shut the fuck up and sit already! It's day one and I'm not ready for your drama.." Vegas shouted in anger as he was getting headache, he rubs his forehead while closing his eyes.

Tankhun was about to reply back when Pete quickly interrupted, "Khun, Vegas is right… Please calm down… You already watched the show before, even others warned you about the situation.."

Tankhun opened his mouth but then closed it while pouting, at that exact moment another participant entered the mansion. The guy looked younger than them and he gave them an awkward smile.

Syn who just entered the mansion, pauses at the door and stares at them in curiosity. He hesitates to enter when Tankhun looks in his direction so he wai.

Tankhun examines the younger guy from top to bottom before walking towards them. He circled around Syn who was dressed in black turtleneck and maroon pants.

"What's your name?" Tankhun asks as he studies Syn, Syn hesitates before answering, "Syn, Khrub.."

"Hm.. Not bad, not bad… You have a good sense of fashion.." Tankhun commented before tilting Syn's face to get proper angle.

"Thank you.. Phee?" Syn said awkwardly as he wasn't sure if Takhun was older than him.

"Aww! He's polite too!" Tankhun said happily and turned around to look at Pete with excitement, "We are adopting him!"

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