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Kamala pov…

I’m watching the dancers practise the dance I had set for them. These dancers are amazing. They all have potential but it looks like some are just here for the gimmicks. I don’t like that stuff.

I heard the dance studio door open, making me turn.

Koda, Jennie and Trinity came in making me smile but that soon turned into a confused look. Why is Lee, Lucas, Jay and Carver here? “Their parents forced them to come here so they could ‘have a life’?” Koda whispered to me.

I just nodded, looking back at the dancers. I notice two girls drooling at the boys. This is the issue I'm talking about. “You two!” I shout to get their attention. They look at me, “Pack your things and leave!” They look at me shocked. I wave for them to leave and they stomp off.

“Why did you kick them out?” Lee asked. “If they were serious about this then they wouldn’t be drooling over boys when they have work to do.” I answered him and he didn’t say anything.

“Are you jealous?” Jay smirked. Is this man okay? I looked around me then back at him, “Are you talking to me?” I’m just making sure because I know he didn’t just call me jealous. “Aw, you are jealous. It’s okay, I like you too.” He patted my cheek.

I slapped his hand away and gave him a nasty look. Fucking dickhead.

“Okay, let’s see what we're working with!”

Time skip…

“Mummy!” Ashton came running at me and I smiled, bending down. He ran into my open arms, “Hey, bubba. How was your day?” I picked him up, kissing his cheek. "Mummy, who are they?" I turned to who he was pointing at and it was Lee, Jay, Lucas and Carver. I even forgot they were following us.

They all looked at him shocked then me even more shocked.

"They’re mummy's friends." I told him while walking into the house. I put him down, "Hello, my name is Ashton." He waved at them with a smile. I look at them and they're smiling at him. "Hey, little man." Lee ruffles his hair. "What is your name?" Ashton asks him and Lee looks at me.

"Answer the boy." I shrugged, bringing out a muller yoghurts for Ashton. "My name is Lee. This is Lucas, Carver and Jay." Ashton waved at all of them and they waved back. "You're very polite." Carver said. "Kiera said that I should be a polite person to everyone." They looked at me and I sighed.

"Ashton, come here." I told him and he ran to me. I set him on my lap, "Mummy, I can eat it by myself. I'm a big boy." Oh, okay. "Mhm, sure you are." I removed the lid and gave him the spoon. "Wait, where are you uncles?" Don't tell me they left the house? "We were playing hide and seek and I was hiding but you came home and now we're here."

"So, they're still looking for you?" Koda asked and he nodded, spilling some yoghurt on his shirt. Big boy my ass. "Can you pass me the tissue box please?" I asked Jay since he was near it. He passed it to me but touched my hand in the process. I looked at him but he just winked at me.


I took the tissues and wiped the yoghurt away. "Ashton!" Kenard came out of nowhere. "You found me!" Ashton flung his hands in the air, making the yoghurt spill everywhere, especially on me. "Oh shit." Jennie and Trinity sniggered. "I'm sorry mummy." Ashton tried to wipe the yoghurt off my face forgetting he already had some on his hands.

Basically he smudged more onto my face. "Okay, that's enough, big boy." Koda picked him up for my lap. I just sighed and stood up and made my way to my bedroom. When he was a baby, he was very messy so I didn't expect that trait to leave him. He's still three anyway.

I got my makeup wipes and wiped off all the yoghurt and makeup with it. After that, I washed my face with my face wash and water of course. "You good?" I turn around and see Jay, smirking at me. "Perfectly fine." I put my towel away and entered my bedroom. "Since when did you have a child?" He asked as I moisturise my face with oil and cream.

"Since I was fifteen. So three years now." I answered, putting Ashton's clothes that were on the floor for some reason away. "Why did you have a baby at that age?" I looked at him annoyed. "I'm not trying to judge or anything but you were young." I went back to what I was doing. "That is none of your business." I told him.

"Fine," I look at him and he's just staring at me. "Is there something else?" I asked and walked towards me. "I like you." He smirked, staring into my eyes. Huh? I didn't say anything as his eyes analysed my face. "And I know you like me too." Um… he grabbed my face with his right hand and kissed me.

My eyes widened and tried to push him off me but he wrapped his other hand around my waist keeping me still. "Mummy and Jay are kissing!" I turned to Ashton, Koda and Lee. Koda and Lee had pure shock written all over their faces. Ashton was just jumping up and down.

"Uncle Kamnan! Mummy was kissing someone!" He ran out. "No, no. Ashton, come back!" Jay grabbed my wrist pulling me back towards him. "I'll call you tonight." Ge winked at me and walked out of my bedroom with Lee following him. What the fuck?

"What the fuck just happened?" Koda asked. "I don't know, he kissed me." I huff in annoyance. "Did you like it?" I snapped my head to Koda. "What do you mean by that?" I asked, sitting down on my bed. "Did you like the kiss?" She sat down next to me. Did I? "I dunno." I shrugged.

"I can tell Jay likes you. Maybe, you should get to know him." I looked at her like she was crazy and laughed. "I'm sick of men, I think I'm fine." I wave her off. "Jay isn't like the men that have been in your life. He isn't like Kiet, Heath or anyone. He is very much different, a good difference." I don't say anything.

"Give it a shot." She held my hand and squeezed it. The door burst open, "Why is Ashton saying that you and Jay kissed?" I groaned, laying back on my bed.

"Is it true?!"

"Oh my gosh, yes!"

Ashton that little rat.

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