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Third person…

It has been four long and painful days since the Thailand Mafia uncovered the shocking truth that their most trusted and revered top warrior was, in fact, a traitor.

For years, the Mafia had relied on him, put their faith and trust in him, and pledged their unwavering loyalty. He had been an integral part of their inner circle, privy to their deepest secrets, and a highly respected figure among his peers.

However, now everything has fallen apart, and the Mafia is struggling to come to terms with the devastating reality of his betrayal. The pain and sense of betrayal run deep, and the once-unbreakable bond of trust and loyalty has been shattered beyond repair.

The Mafia is left to pick up the pieces of their broken alliance, and the road to recovery seems long and uncertain.

Kamala seems to be facing some difficulties lately. Despite her awareness of the issue, she had been ignoring it, believing that it was due to her incompetence. She had been distancing herself from everyone to concentrate on finding the exact whereabouts of Kiet in Germany.

However, her uncle Komen seems to be oblivious to her needs and keeps checking on her constantly. Although he means well, Kamala feels that he doesn't understand the extent of her predicament and the importance of her privacy.

She is going through a challenging time and requires ample space to sort out her thoughts and emotions.

As her phone rang, she quickly grabbed it without even bothering to check the caller ID. Upon answering, a small smile slowly spread across her face as she heard her child's voice on the other end.

"Hey, mummy!" he exclaimed with excitement. Despite the joyous greeting, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as she thought about her decision to leave Ashton behind in London instead of bringing him along for her trip to Thailand.

She had ultimately decided that it would be best for him to continue his education in London while his uncles took care of him, but it still weighed heavily on her heart.

Kamala, despite her uncle's disapproval, made up her mind to travel to London to meet him. Her feelings towards her uncle were turning negative, but she chose to remain neutral for the sake of her son.

Despite this, her growing dislike towards her uncle was becoming hard for her to ignore.

“I made so many friends today, mummy and a girl said she wanted to be my girlfriend.” Kamala looked at her phone shocked. “Tell her no. Some of those children are dirty.” she scrunched her face.

The little boy laughed, “I’ll see you soon baby. Okay?” Kamala missed Ashton. She wished she was with him as of now. She was going to make sure that after this mission, she was going to go straight back home.

With her brothers as well.

As a grown adult, she refused to let her uncle continue to mistreat her. Gone were the days of being the timid child who cowered in fear at the mere sight of a man.

She had grown stronger and overcome her fears of being alone, no longer needing to scream for help.

She had evolved beyond that earlier version of herself and was now a confident and self-assured individual.

Very short

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Very short...

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