Chapter 6: It's Complicated

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Autumn: Wes, it's over. For good this time.

Wes: You don't even want to try to fix this?

Autumn: I have been! For over a year! But we've been fighting so much lately....I don't see it getting better. You're not the guy I fell in love with.

Wes stands in front of Autumn, arms crossed. He doesn't move a muscle.

Sammie: Hey, Maybe we should give you some space--

Wes: No need. If that's what you think, Autumn, fine. We're done.

Autumn: I'm sorry, Wes.

Autumn reaches out to touch Wes, but he shrugs her off.

Julian: Autumn....

Autumn runs out of the gym, tears streaming down her face.

Sammie: Wes, go after her! You two belong together!

Wes glares at Sammie.

Wes: I don't need your advice, Sammie. If Autumn wants to leave, fine. She knew what she was getting into. Now, who's with me for creating a bit of trouble for Isa?

Mia: What did you have in mind?

Caleb: It's too risky! Do you want to get suspended like Aiden?

Ezra: I'll do anything to shake things up.

The entire cheerleading squad and band murmur in agreement as they follow Wes out of the gym. Only Sammie, the basketball team and Luis are left behind.

Sammie: Did all that really happen?

Luis: Someone should go check on Autumn.

Julian: I'll go. See you guys later.

Julian runs after Autumn, as the rest of her friends disperse. She're about to follow when she notice Maria and Michael on the other side of the gym....As Sammie approach, she catch Michael and Maria locked in a tight embrace. She sighs heavily.

Maria: Thanks, Michael. I'm glad I have you around.

Michael: Yeah, don't mention it.

Sammie: Uh....

As soon as she notices Sammie, Maria backs away from Michael. He quietly chuckles and shakes his head.

Sammie: Michael? And Maria? This can't be real! You hate each other! But other than that, you make such a cute couple!

Michael and Maria slowly turn toward each other, and burst out laughing!

Michael: HA! You thought we were....? HA! Are you serious?

Maria: That's a good one, Sammie. Like we'd ever date.

Sammie: Ah well, Stranger things have happened.

Michael: Maybe not that strange.

Maria checks the time on her phone.

Maria: Oh, I need to go! It's my turn to cook dinner tonight. I'll see you guys tomorrow!

Maria rushes off, leaving Sammie and Michael alone.

Sammie: So if you and Maria aren't a couple, then what were you two doing?

Michael: Ah well, it's really no big deal.

Sammie: You sure about that?

Michael: Positive. But since I've got you now, wanna hang? I'd love some help with my latest project.

Sammie: What are you working on?

Michael pulls out a video camera from his backpack.

Michael: One of my best friends moved across the country a few years ago. She wants an update on my life, so I'm shooting a video for her this afternoon. And I'd love to introduce you to her if you're up for it.

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