I dance with solitude
as darkness sings,
a tune of silence.
The last glimpses of light
caress the horizon.
Traces of a golden gleam paint the sky
colouring it with a gentle breeze,
which at the same time
shakes gently the leaves of the olive trees.
When darkness unfolds
as looneliness my name calls ,
He tells me that it is a melody of light
what he longs for the most.
He never really confesses though,
never properly phrasing the words
because darkness keeps secrets
no one will ever hear or know.
Fragmentos de interior
PoesiaPoemas sobre procesos internos. Exploro mis propias experiencias con la naturaleza y la búsqueda de mi misma, el amor y el desamor, pero también de la soledad, tanto si experimenta como algo bello y tranquilizador como si se siente con tristeza co...