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the cool breeze blows against me as I step out my father's car. i'm finally home. despite being in one of the most beautiful countries in the world, i missed minnesota's fall weather. the way the leaves change from a deep, dark green to a light, warm orange and red. autumn is truly an underrated season and i will always stand by that. it's currently september 3rd and i have missed four days of school. no complaints here, i fucking hate school. especially when this is my first year at eden hall, a school my brother practically runs. 

"nat, you're finally home! god, i can't believe you left me to fend eden hall all by myself."

i could recognize that voice from miles away.

ashlee banks

my best friend since birth. our parents had met in college and had become insanely close, causing them to buy two houses right next to each other. it was like we were destined to become best friends. she is my rock. i could tell her anything without ruthless judgement. okay, well i can take her judgement. she is who i want to be. ash has absolutely no cares in the world and i love it. you can feel her confidence radiating off of her as she walks by. that girl is who you go to when you're in need of having some fun. especially with her stash under a lose floor board.

"you were invited ash.", i chuckle, holding the girl in my arms, "you said and i quote, i can't miss the first day. i need to make a breathtaking impression on the hot peoples in that school."

"you would be proud to know i did. speaking of hot people, we need to catch up."

her pale hand grips mine, pulling me towards her house and up to her room. she throws herself onto her bed, patting the empty spot next to her. 

"real talk. any cuties in the bahamas? please tell me you got laid or anything like that. you have been dry since cody."

"dry by choice, you dumbo. and no. i didn't get any action because all the boys our age are ugly."

"not even any airport boys to fantasize about?"

"not a single one."

that's a lie. sure, there was a couple cute guys that crossed my vision. but, none of them compete with a certain blue eyed boy. i could never tell her that though. the past years i have spent convincing her that i had no feelings whatsoever towards him. that's how it's gonna stay. adam banks is just a fantasy.

ashlee snaps her fingers in my face, "people were already talking about you at school. most of the boys can't even keep it in their pants when thinking about you. i doubt they will come up to you, the varsity boys were knocking them down one by one if they heard you're name."

the varsity boys. 

my older and only brother's best friend. those boys have the biggest egos you can imagine. well deserved, i mean they have won over like twenty straight championships since the school became reality. with influence of my brother and the fact most of them have known me for years, they see me as a younger sister. actually more like baby sister who can't take care of herself. i love them though, most of the time.

"god, they are still doing that shit?", i sigh, "i was hoping they would stop when i got to high school."

"trust me peach, it will only get worse as you get older and hotter."

i can't help but chuckle at the last part, "you always up my confidence, don't you?"

"it's my job."

a loud singular knock at the door, makes me jump. ashlee's brown door swings open, slamming onto the wall behind her.

"who slammed my door?", i hear their father yell from downstairs.

"it was ash!"

"fuck you, adam! why do you have to do this every time?", i hear her snap.

my eyes trail up his body and find the blue eyes I've fallen so deep into. 

adam banks.

our story isn't as sweet as you would have guessed. ever since our mothers introduced us, he hasn't stopped taunting me. we have never gotten along and i blame it entirely on him. his snobbish, cocky attitude and his stupidly low voice irks me in every way possible. so, it was quite a surprise when i had started getting nervous around him when he came back from california. that's right, adam is nationally ranked player. he is #1 for our age, and his usa team won gold at the junior olympics last year. that did not help his ego to say the least. 

"cause it's funny watching you get all red.", he laughs, "hey rose, didn't know you came back today."

my confusion must haven't been hidden well as he smirks, "did you miss me? why even ask, how could you not miss this?"

the boy jesters to his topless body, flexing his bicep. his grin only widens as he notices me checking him out. 

ashlee is quick to slap me, "gross nat! that's my brother!"

"i'm sorry ash! but, i'm a girl! i have to look!"

god, adam had grown into his body. over the past three months, his muscle has grown way more than his height. even though he is now 6'2. it's impossible to not be attracted to him. he is like the dream white boy. at least for me.

"don't blame her, sis. if i was a girl, i would stare at me too."

the blond seems to have enough as she chucks one of her pillows at him, "get out adam! i can't stand looking at your stupid face anymore."

"i think natalia wouldn't hate to look a little more, right babe?"

i scoff even though it's the truth, "hell no. it was a one time thing there adam. go back to sucking charlie's dick or something."

"if that's what you want gorgeous. you know i would do anything for you.", and with that he winks.

once the door finally shuts, "i'm sorry about my stupid horny brother."

"i'm used to it by now."

her eyes light up, "i have the best idea. let's find him a girlfriend this year."


that's the end of the first chapter! i hope you enjoyed and are willing to struggle through as i get back into the flow of writing. trust that the writing will get better as time goes on. plus is the first chapter ever that interesting, no. just wait until the plot moves further along!

love, tanya

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