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my first class was advanced history. such a joy. can't you tell i'm excited.

walking into the classroom, i notice the seats are almost completely full.

"nat!", i hear julie yell from the corner. she was sitting next to averman and banks.

the bubbly girl jumps out of her seat, holding me to her tightly, "i haven't seen you in forever."

julie gaffney is one of my best friends, don't tell ash that though. i had met her in california while watching adam play. we had quickly connected and exchanged number almost immediately. throughout the beginning goodwill games, i had basically became the teams manager up until i left after their third game. never officially the manager of course, but tibbles loved having me around.

"i feel whole again with you here.", i chuckle, "hey red." my smile grows as i watch averman get fluster at my wink.

"ignoring me now, rosie? i'm hurt.", adam feigns hurt.

"if only ignoring you was that easy."

"you guys still don't get along?", julie seemed baffled, "i thought after what adam said."

"we don't need to talk about that right now.", adam interrupts.

"talking about me, are we blondie?", i smirk, "i'm glad to know i have fans."

"hope i don't break your heart rose, but i'm not a fan. no need to boost your ego even more."

"don't they argue like an old married couple, julie?", averman gushes, tilting his head towards my friend.

"i'm still confused. how have you never talked to her banks?'

"well, now i gotta know!."

"nope, never.", adam's face tints with red.

"you are such a pussy!"

"i am not an pussy. right julie!"

"i can neither confirm nor deny. sorry banksie."

"you four done back there?", i hear mr.micheals question.

i quickly nod my head.

"Suck up.", adam mumbles.


the teacher begins lecturing on and on about the rules, and expectations for this class. i don't bother to listen because i could give less than two fucks.

my daydream is broken when I notice mr. michaels coming closer.

"it's been said that the present is to the past like a dwarf on the shoulders of a giant. if the dwarf holds his seat, he can indeed see further than the giant. but, beware if the dwarf should grow careless and forget his place.", almost all the students flinch as he slams his book on a desk, "History is a giant. Get ready to ride.".

i think i'm going to like this teacher.

the hour goes by surprisingly fast when the bell rings.

"one thing before you all go. we will be having numerous group projects throughout the quarter. i will be assigning groups at random. your partner is the person next to you. have a wonderful rest of your day!"

oh my god.

"i am not doing the assignments by myself."

"i know", adam looks at me.

"ok, just making sure."

"how could i deny spending extra time with you, rosie?", the boy smirks.

"leave it up to the adam banks, making every conversation uncomfortable."

"anything for you, baby."

"gross! you are disgusting!", i say, shoving his shoulder, "he's your problem now jules."

"you can't leave me here with him and averman!"

"i love you!", she flips me off as i hurry out of the room.

 how is it possible for somebody to make you feel annoyed and flustered in one. it's like i want to hate him but there is that small little part of me that thinks he isn't so bad. it's probably his blue eyes, i'm a sucker for blue eyed bitches.

a large shadow appears over me, revealing xavier rhodes. another one of my brothers minions, but one i actually like.

"natty!", he opens his arms for a hug.

"xav!", i say, walking past him towards the east wing.

"slow down there, girl. i've been given special instructions to bring you to your locker. your brother want to say hi. plus, i'm pretty sure you have the next class with Cole."

xavier and i made our way over towards the south wing, where my locker was already surrounded by a spread out varsity hockey team.

i go straight to my locker.

"She's here! Angry but here.", xavier chuckles, "Ii'm surprised little girl here didn't kill me."

"oh my god. i am not angry! leave me alone to talk to my brother now.", he doesn't budge. staring me down as it was some type of challenge. i was going to win when I pointed to a preppy brown haired girl, "look xavy! a pretty girl!"

"see ya!", he practically runs to catch up with the girl.

"i didn't expect him to have a locker right next to yours.", my face practically pales. i'm going to be locker neighbors with xavier rhodes the next year. "what are the chances?"

"obviously really good."

"Anyways, how was your first class?", my brother asks.

"honestly pretty good, i had some of the duckies with me"

rick pops up behind the two of us, throwing his arm around my shoulder, "we gotta get them out of our school, right tj?"

"what's so bad about them? like have you even talked to them?", i say shoving his arm off my shoulder.

"yes, for your information, i have.", rick scoffs, "they came on a free ride. we don't need them in our school. the only reason they are here is because of the publicity that comes with it. at least, that's what my dad said."

"of course you got this idea from him.", i sigh, "what do you think about this, tristian?"

"i have no problem with it. they give this stuck up school, a much needed breath of fresh air."

"dirty air. did i tell you about what happened at the assembly on the first day?', rick scoffs.

"many times.", my brother mumbles.

"yes, when you and your posse broke into my dorm room last night. listen, i should probably get to class. this was a lovely conversation. thank you so much for sharing, my wonderful brothers.", i say my voice laced with sarcasm.

tristian throws his arm around my neck and puts me into a joking chokehold.

"anytime, baby sis!"

"let me go! i gotta get to class.", i start squirming in his hold.

He gives me a kiss on the forehead before letting me go.

"you know this isn't over, my wonderful sister.", riley chuckles.

"I hate you."

i grew up with rick, xavier and their other friend scooter. i had made the mistake of calling them my brothers and riley has not let it go since. they are assholes, but i love them.

"time for Science, baby west!", cole screams, slamming my locker.

"kill me now."


i will most likely leave the outfits in the header if you care for that.

a little inspo pic for nat and ashlee's dorm room.

fine line, adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now