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of course they fucking won, when do they not. the boys were rowdy including adam as they came back from the ice. all celebrating adam for getting his first hat trick.

"banksie is gonna take your starting spot, hart.", my brother taunts.

so it was no surprise that there was going to be a party at one of the boy's house. it was a shock that it wasn't till tonight. the day after.

my day was consistent of laying in bed, catching up on homework. until adam came knocking on my door. 

"hey rosie, ready to work? or do other things?", he winks.

"i would rather throw myself out of my window."

"relax, ashlee isn't here right now. you don't have to pretend to hate me.", the blonde smirks, "plus, you know i would catch you. being your charming knight in shining armor."

"you are annoying, that's all i gotta say."

my dorm is filled with pointless back and forth banter and stupid history questions. before we could even start on our presentation, we had to fill out ten separate sheets of questions.

"what's your favorite color?", the boy chirps.

"that doesn't have anything to do with our project."

"i know, but i'm bored. can't we take a break? it's been two hours of doing basically nothing!"

i sigh, "fine. my favorite color is light blue."

i was never going to tell him, i liked it because it was his eye color. 

"mine is green, thanks for asking babe."

i roll my eyes, "favorite animal? don't you dare say ducks, it would be too cliche."

"that's a tough one. probably a german shepard, i've always wanted to adopt one. but, dad always said no. you?"

"probably a frog.", he chuckles at my answer, "what! they are so cute, and small. how could you not love them?"

"i'm not judging, i'm forming an opinion."

"that's the same thing, you idiot!", i yell, throwing a pillow at him. instantly regretting the choice i had made.

"you have a fucking frog pillow? should i be concerned for your mental health? i feel like i should be."

"you're such a dick. and for that i get to ask the next question. what's your favorite type of tree?"

"i don't know, green?"

"you are impossible. since you are being a loser, i'll answer. mine is a willow tree, those are beautiful."

"not as beautiful as you rosie.", those goddamn butterflies are back at it again. swarming around like a group of angry bees when you knock down their hive.

"such a flirt."

the door slams open, revealing two people. 

"ew! why are you hanging out with my brother?", the younger twin exclaims.

"because she's clearly in love with me."

i throw another frog pillow at him, "we are partners for a history project."

i send daggers towards adam as he laughs at the pillow in his hands. 

"did you try asking to switch partners?"

"of course i did."

i hadn't even thought of that till now. not that i would want to switch partners.

"that's bull. anyways, adam you remember matthew right?"

he nods his head, sitting next to me on my bed. 

"we are all going to the party, matt volunteered to drive us. yes, even you adam."

the boy shouts in sarcastic joy as he dabs up matt.

"be thankful, i could be leaving your ass here. come on matt, help me pick out what to wear."

once again we are are left alone, blocked off by the door of ash's wardrobe.

warm breath tickles my ear, "did you really asked to switch partners, rosie?"

my palms begin to sweat as i muster up a quick no.


"come on nat, you need to get ready!"

i pat adam's shoulder before walking towards his twin.

she pulls out one of my black dresses and throws it at me, "you are wearing this. matti and i both know you will look hot as fuck in it."

"hell yeah! look we are matching, doll!', matt says, showing off his all black outfit. 

i don't define myself as a hardcore party girl, but boy have i earned that title. tristian always brought me along to his victory parties per my mom's request. i always ended up having way too good of a time to stop. 

once the two of us are ready, i get multiple wolf whistles from the two best friends.

"you look fine as hell, nat.", matt smiles.

"god, i would marry you right now if i could."

i give the two a small curtsey, earning a quiet laugh from banks. i could never miss his laugh, so i shoot him a small wink.

"let's get moving, party girls!", matt ushers the three of us out, "and mr. hat trick of course.

i feel adam's burning gaze the whole walk to matti's car.

the party is already in full swing as we walked through the grand doors of shawn hart's house.

"baby sis!", i hear a familiar voice yell. i give a quick thumbs up to ash and grab adam's hand. ushering him towards his teammates.

"may i make you a drink, m'lady?", xavier smirks.

i frown, "hell no. i don't trust you holding or making my drink."

"you know you're my favorite right?"

"yes, i do xavy. and you are mine."


"what the fuck, natty?"

"tallie, i'm your brother!"

"so am i!"

"we all are!"

i lost count on which of the whiny adults are talking.

"suck my dick, you pervs!", xavier shouts, taking a shot, "three shots for mister big time over here."

the boy hands adam his first shot. his blue eyes looked at me before winking and downing his first shot. the next two are nothing but enough to get the boys hyped up.

the group disperses once three of them find ladies to entertain for the night. a cold hand grabs me, pulling me to the dance floor. it was a drunk ashlee and a sober matt.

"somebody's gotta drive home.", he shrugs.

"dance you whores, dance with me!", she yells, swinging her arms around.

i can tell i'm not as drunk as ash is but can't deny that i am a little tipsy.

the time goes by and i'm shamelessly drenched in sweat from dancing a little too hard. 

"i'm gonna go find the bathroom.", i say to particularly no one before walking away. 

the rooms are filled with heat coming off from high teens as i push my way through the crowd. only to quickly stop in the living room when i see a familiar blond talking to some girl.

at first, i smile at the fact adam is talking to a girl, but then jealousy hit. and i was miserable.

i was falling for somebody who's off limits. 

lord, help me now.

fine line, adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now